Revising My Stance on Auction House

Chimaera pet works awesome against Viscidus with a Hunter.

The problem I have with Blizzard on this GENERAL topic, can be summarized with how they handled Paragon rewards in Legion.

Because for a LONG time (all of BfA?), the rewards were all 1% drops and it was STUPID trying to get some of them to drop.

Finally, Blizzard relented, agreed, and made the drops something like a 60-80% drop. Considering the effort that’s INHERENTLY tied up in getting a Paragon chest in the first place, this seems fair.


they made this change for everything BUT the Thistleleaf Adventurer pet from Val’sharah!!! It’s still a 1% drop!


Why and how could you possibly agree that this system SUCKS … take the time and effort to update the dynamic … and then NOT update one of them???

It is the same with how they handle one-shotting legacy content. They HAVE the tech to stop this. It’s in place for every world boss in MoP. But then you go to the Timeless Isle, and Huolon does not have 1-shot protection! The millisecond it pops, it’s dead. WHY???

It’s utterly stupid things like this that infuriate me about Blizzard.

There is no flipping reason the Thistleleaf Adventurer needs to be this hard to get. Especially when EVERY OTHER ITEM from Paragon chests was updated!!!

Because the Thistleleaf isn’t in a paragon chest. It’s in an Emissary chest, a completely different thing entirely.

They definitely kept their word. It’s not their fault you believed in the spirit of the idea and they did exactly what they said they would, no less but absolutely no more.

This is why you have to read contracts very carefully. Relying on “the spirit of the law” is a good way to lose.

I mean tomato/tomato … it’s still a 1% drop, when it shouldn’t be.

Blizzard obviously disagrees.

Blizzard didn’t promise to abolish all ridiculously low drop rates from RNG rewards. That’s just what you assumed they meant.

They promised a very specific and narrow thing, and they delivered that very specific thing. By no means does it mean they’ve suddenly become kinder, gentler, and more generous. They still love engagement driven by roulette wheel RNG.

They haven’t changed and show no real tendency to do so any time soon, simply because their entire business case is built on it.

Which brings us full circle to my complaint: yes-- it’s obvious they “disagree.”

But there’s no logic or reason behind it.

When you say “hey… you’re right, this is a bad dynamic, we should change it!”

And then you change it for everything but ONE ITEM … it makes you look stupid.

edit: Compare the recent “big win” they scored when they removed Sanguine (and others) from M+. This is analogous to them removing Sanguine from every dungeon … BUT ONE. It’s stupid.

And the “as long as you’re paying, you approve” is possibly the weakest, laziest argument there is. Very little in real life is so black and white that you utterly agree with everything, or disagree.

I wouldn’t be able to purchase ANYTHING if life worked that way. +eyeroll+

I think the only “stupid” they end up looking is “stupid rich”, which is exactly how they want to look.

Follow the money, always. The money is more important than your happiness.

If you continue to give them your time and money, their decision is the correct one.

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