I was talking to my buddy (the one who got me started on pet battles and referred me to this forum), and he’s raised a few valid points.
Don’t get me wrong. I still don’t believe that the best pets in the game should be cageable. You can’t call buying pets at the Auction House a “playstyle.” It’s not a playstyle if you aren’t playing the game.
On the other hand, he pointed out that the Devs are the ones who made purchasing pets on the Auction House more than a convenience. It’s a necessity. RNG is simply not a fair way to reward effort when it comes to acquiring pets. He also pointed out that the fact that I’m on my fourth Anubisath Idol and I still can’t get the Mini-Mindslayer to drop is a case in point. Also, since as a Mage, at least at my level, I will never be able to kill Viscidus to get the globule.
Consequently, I can either buy the missing pets, or I can level up, and pray that a 70th level Mage can swing a staff with enough force to finally kill Viscidus once I freeze him. Or I can level up a melee and try to find him some freeze-proccing weapons. Or I can just do without.
Not that I’m going to be disappointed by not getting the globule. (Personally, I would prefer to keep my collection small and just not keep pets that I’m never going to use.) But the much more useful Mr. Bigglesworth happens to be a reward for acquiring all the pets in Raiding With Leashes, Part 1.
So, no globule, then no Mr. Bigglesworth.
I doubt the Devs are going to bother with revising the system to give us a more fair way to acquire pets, but there’s always the possibility that they can devise something more fair going forward.
And on the subject of unfairness, yesterday, I destroyed a Puddle Terror I got from my Garrison. It happens to be my fourth one, and I don’t have the slots for it. But today, I just got my first Ghastly Kid.
I will never like the Auction House as a way of acquiring pets. And the Pet Battle community is the only RPG community I’ve seen that thinks it’s perfectly fine, right and proper that those who choose to buy rewards at the AH are entitled to the same rewards as those who go out to acquire them by playing the game.
I can just imagine the hue and cry that would go up if raid gear was suddenly for sale on the AH.
My last day is the 16th. I was hoping to acquire B’aal by then. But unfortunately, even though the Wowhead Macro says I acquired the sixth pebble (I should hope so. I died five times trying to get to it.), I cannot interact with the seventh pebble. I’ve seen it. It’s in that cellar in Boralus, where the guys are playing D&D. And I’ve looked at the pictures on Wowhead, so I know I have the right pebble, but I can’t interact with it.
I’ve submitted a bug report, but I have no hopes that it will be resolved by the 16th.
That’s all. Nice meeting you all.