Revised Class Tuning Changes

See last post. More changes to come.

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or ret :,(

I suspect there will be some pvp-specific changes tomorrow that aren’t listed here. Honestly an adjustment to kyrian rogue, boomy convoke, and maybe a ww tweak could be all we need for things to start to feel more normal.

go to wow pvp leaderboard website. It will show you a breakdown of whats actually good high MMR. Paladins/Druids are DESTROYING the ladders, but everybody still crying for rogue nerfs when they are not actually “OP” at higher ratings

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I’ve heard over the grapevine this is not a complete list of changes.

I spy a sub rogue


Top Balance druid is:
58 in 2v2 US. 67 in 2v2 EU.
41 in 3v3 Us. 24 in 3v3 EU.

Completely ridiculous to nerf them if they are going on anything objective from that site. There are numerous Sub rogues in the high levels of 2v2.

get nerfed you scum owl person
we’re tired of eating 9-12k starsurges to the dome while you jump around like you have ADD


Goodbye hunters

I mean if they want to force me to switch back to cat form and stun lock people then I guess I will.

Am I missing something this got posted days ago

Scroll to the bottom big fella

Wasn’t needed in pvp, but we’ll survive as long as they tone down other classes too tommorow
also reminder pets die too easily for sv to become top tier so fix that please

Wasnt the DK nerf inly 15% the other day?


Why are they nerfing starfall? Starsurge is what’s hitting people for 15k

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what is pve even hurrrrr

These aren’t nerfs, theyre revisions to the nerf, so its not a reduction of 10% for aim shot anymore, it’s now only 5%.

edit: maybe im just confused

what are you smoking? go look again scrub

This is what they released a few days ago. The Balance and MM changes are new.

Yeah im with it now, they got a 10% aim shot nerf in pvp, now another 5% in all scenarios