Someone posted this on the Rogue forums earlier.
Someone posted this on the Rogue forums earlier.
First I am a disc priest and marks hunter. Heres some breakdowns for you --also PS 2s is irrelevant
ROGUES --> 10
DK --> 8
DH --> 3
DRUID --> 20 total --> (6 ferals – 11 Boomy – 3 Rdruid)
HUNTER --> 6 (all marks)
Mage --> 14
Monk --> 14 total --> (11 WW – 3 MW)
Pal --> 31 total --> (14 ret – 17hpal)
Priest --> 42 total --> (22 disc – 20 shadow)
Shaman --> 23 total --> (6 enh – 11rsham – 6 ele)
Lock --> 2 total (1 destro/1 affl)
Warr --> 29 arms
Just some actual numbers to look at pulled off of pvpleaderboard . com
Rogues get countered from a lot of things and everything has one shots. This is MOP pacing where if you dont trade CDs/have awareness you die.
Rogues are making up 5% of the total PvP population in US of top 200 players. At low mmr you might be getting your head kicked in but when they are out of CDs they lose. I think people need to look at boomy/ret/shadow/arms before they scream for rogue nerfs bc they got blownup while rogue has leggo and all CDs up. Also cant wait for people to see the arms buffs on slam in PvP.
This is US 3v3 ladder.
Pve class changes guys, not pvp.
But then you look 2s ladder and see a whole new problem.
2s is irrelevant lol. They balance the game around 3s for PvP – that is where the rewards are in arena and titles
Still, just because there are other busted spec doesn’t mean sub rogue isnt any less busted aswell lmao.
Specially when it plagues a whole ladder.
Why would rogues need a pve nerf?
Pvp i can understand but pvp They are fine in pve.
they dont balance the game around 2s – BFA last season was only DH/healer mage/rogue or destro/hpriest – 2s is for fun not for rewards, thats why its not balanced around the 2s ladder.
This is not MOP pacing, not even close. A quick look at any youtube videos from MOP pvp will prove to you that nobody is getting hit for half of their hp in a single ability. Starsurge, aimed shot, echoing ect. are all doing 10k+ damage, and a small 5% to nerf to aimed shot won’t fix that. What about rets or enhancement doing the same healing as damage while putting out the same damage as a dk/warrior/ww? Think that happened in MOP too? It didn’t.
I can link some other videos too if you’d like.
this is a vid from 2 patches later SoO patch
Did i miss read 15 and 20?
Priest was completely untouched so was Pally. Arms was actually buffed in a way. This idea that they objectively balance around 3s doesn’t seem to be true.