I’m patiently waiting for the raid boss that yells “ENOUGH!” as a death script and just… dies.
Eh, are there?
The Horde and Alliance weren’t there for the Sunwell; we had the Outland brigade of Aldor and Scryers teaming up.
They weren’t too important (though present) for ICC; that was the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade.
When we went after the Iron Horde is was explicitly a small band of mercenaries who risked going through the portal, and we recruited local allies for that.
Legion saw the Horde and Alliance withdraw early on in favor of the Order Halls forming the Army of the Legionfall.
By the time we faced N’zoth, the Horde and Alliance didn’t have much for armies left, and we worked again with neutral parties.
Shadowlands also had no Horde or Alliance forces at all. Dragonflight too.
So sorta-kinda with ICC, I won’t pretend to remember the details with Deathwing so maybe there, and… Well, when we fought Garrosh and went after Sylvanas.
Usually the Horde and Alliance armies either leave early on to fight each other, or are depleted from fighting each other.
Ok, but it’s not like any other city. This is the flying magical pseudo-fortress city of Dalaran which has a history of going where the latest world-ending emergency is.
To the citizens of Westfall and the Barrens, that’s hardly a sign of some impending personal doom. If anything, it’s almost like they’ve been asking for it for decades now. Especially since it’s not even the first time Dalaran got wrecked.
And how is that city blowing up more important to the average Alliance citizen than, say, Theramore? Than Teldrassil? Heck, I’d imagine the average Alliance citizen hearing some Xal’atath person blew up Dalaran would be asking if that’s the name of the Horde’s newest warchief, given the last three times in recent history that a city got blown up, it was a Horde warchief who made the decision to blow said city up.
How many existential threats to all life on Azeroth have actually affected the farmers of Westfall? The settlers in the Barrens? From all I recall, you got some Legion invasions that got fought off pretty quickly, and some hints that the Scourge got to the main continents in Shadowlands (because of the former Horde warchief’s actions, just to add).
Once again, those feel like distant threats to people who have to live near the same guys who just a couple years ago were the existential threat to their lives.
It’s like in the real world, when the big nations start fighting near smaller countries. Those smaller countries don’t usually band together to preserve their ways of life from the bigger nations; they ick sides, so they can continue fighting each other and hopefully get better weapons to do so.
And one in three has some spiel like “I’m actually doing this for the greater good. You just cannot understand it yet…”
Sargeras, N’zoth, Zozo, Sylvanas, they all got some variation of it at some point.
I just want a raid boss who starts the expac like “I want to burn the world because I just do. Cower puny mortals!! I have no mysterious underlying motivation, I just want to get it done before someone else burns it!!!”
I’m surprised there aren’t more conspiracy theories out there about how this ‘we all need to come together against this threat du jour’ is just them trying to make you give up your land.
I mean, if I’m a local pig farmer, I’d definitely side-eye the fact that Tiragarde Keep is apparently being rebuilt in spitting distance from Razor Hill and those in charge are doing nothing to stop it while telling us to come together against some fire dragon I never personally saw. I mean, I saw what Deathwing did. I haven’t seen hide or hair of this Fy-whatever guy. Apparently all he wanted to do was burn down some Night Elf tree, which I don’t get why that’s my problem. Maybe they should stop planting them if they’re that flammable.
Surely the amount of cultists we kill suggests a certain propensity towards conspiracism in your average joe to begin with.
You forgot Xal’atath…
You had Gul’dan kinda like that, but well…
I prefer Azshara in that sense, like, she just want to rule over everything, there is no 34d chess as to why she wants to rule over eveyrthing and everyone, its just her destiny to rule over all, thats all, and she will never deny the fact she crush others and gets her hands dirty for her own goal.
She simply thinks that, it her destiny and everything will be better off into her hands, when everyone can just worship her, noting behind that.
And i love it.
That was their intention. The California lawsuit against Blizzard had them do an about-face and it’s no longer World of Warcraft it’s World of Lovecraft - Peace, love, and happiness. I feel like I’m in 1969 all over again. lol
No it is not.
I keep looking for Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath and a Shoggoth or two all over Azeroth, and not even one single time did my brain melt from the cosmic horrors of the universe.
All I got was an eyeball monster, a mounty monster and whatever N’zoth is, and not one of them even caused a teeny bit of brain matter to leak out of my head.
If the faction war ever returns I hope it won’t be the Horde who starts it this time.
Dont look for the Alliance to start it. If you guys want a faction war so bad let the Horde do it.
Personally, I think the Alliance has alot of other things it can do not related to the Faction War.
We all knew this to an extend, or had a feeling that this was in part to blame.
The real fun part for me is, or should i say, the irony is, he says himself that he saw the Alliance as too reactionary, and felt that judgement, but then let the Alliance be reactionary again in MOP.
If you can see that you did it wrong, you shouldn’t repeat the exact same mistake.