Ok, so having finished the main War Within campaign, and all the zones and sidequests, I think I have a clearer picture of what I think is going right and wrong with WoW.
If we go back to the beginning, Vanilla was made it seems to me with two chief inspirations, the other two biggest MMOs of the time, Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest.
I was a DAOC fan, and also a fan of Everquest but to a much lesser degree, I thought the idea of PvP and everything was just more interesting.
And so Vanilla had both, factions, and a lot of PvE content, and the lore sort of matched that.
Nowadays, in War Within, I really feel like it’s the tail end of a 20 year effort to smooth out the DAoC part of WoW and just make it Everquest 3.
Everyone is on your side, everyone is ok as long as they are nice, the strongest sense that there are real differences is that you can still speak racial languages and have the other side not understand.
That’s a pretty far cry from the Alterac Valley days, and it doesn’t matter how hard they push the end of faction conflict angle like with Turalyon and the Orc commander with the Earthen supposedly representing the “modern, correct” attitude of “oh how could you possibly be low as to fight with each other this way.”
Well, look, it’s a video game, and it’s just fun to take sides, and it introduces gray area into the lore.
The most successful PC games have always been the ones with the most ability to take in competing sides, and have tension and conflict.
I feel like War Within is just a solid like 7.5/10 or something, because it’s so well crafted and stuff, like Everquest was, but just generic villains instead of real Horde vs Alliance ideas is just not as compelling.
On the upside, modern WoW has pushed the kind of, we’re these rock and roll fighters… but we hear you, we listen to you, and so the melodrama of Khadgar and Alleria and stuff is, well, pretty nice.
It’s just, it’s got to be a game, and as a game the prospect of a massive war between horde and alliance with all the allied races is just a lot more interesting to me.
For a lot of those 20 years, it really wasn’t even Horde vs Alliance but third parties like the Scarlet Crusade or the Nightborne or others that “dared to be different” and not be generic do good paladins that provided intrigue in the game, but having been through TWW’s 4 factions, I honestly can’t even say if any of them are really pro Horde or Alliance or pro anything, they’re just like, honest nice people trying to get by.