Revert the Prot Warrior nerfs next patch

We know how it feels we have been testing it on the PTB and it feels like Garbage.

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But prot warrior really is flooding with rage. Specially mountain thane. These changes will affect colossus too which sucks.

That is the issue they are mass nerfing to fix one problem and not taking the other hero spec into account or taking the fact warriors rage dump to keep the flow of dmg to themselves smooth. Unlike DKs who can spam Death Strike to help when they get chunked health wise warriors have one little heal on a 30 second cooldown that will not help smooth out the dmg they will be taking. Also for some reason on the PTB currently Ignore Pain is doing 30% less absorb rather than the promised 30% more so who knows what Blizzard is doing there. Currently Blizzard is ignoring all Warrior feedback so we are in quite a bind atm.


Blizzard kept nerfinf base hpal spells too when the issue was the herald of the sun hero spec being too high on hps in raid settings. Im already used to blizzard blanket nerfing the entire spec based on a clear outlier hero spec

They dumpstered Hpally after S2 in DF. Prot Warrior with DF S2 nerfs was still viable and playable, but these changes will gut it just as much, if not harder than S2 Hpally.

Yeah, I’ve been comparing the first pull in several instances on live and the PTR and whoo boy it’s rough. Using the same gear set, and spec (as close as possible given that they F’d our warrior tree), dps is down considerably and so is overall healing everywhere .

What’s really bad is that after equipping new items, and at an ilvl of 670 I’m barely doing S1 prot pally dps :frowning:

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Try the PTR, Mountain Thane is now Mountain Pain, as in you in pain from lack of rage.

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They are? I have found the opposite to be true. Am I doing it wrong?

I’m 100% positive they don’t understand the class since they don’t play it correctly. It’s their devs jumping on a premade end season prot warrior and saying “what do I do when I get rage?” The changes any way you look at it screams a very poor understanding of the class.

New tier set alone is further proof.


Another solution is that blizzard also destroy other tanks…

I think they are talking about Protection Warrior players IRL when they find out the developers are going to dumpster their class for an entire expansion.

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Wasn’t Prot Warrior the best thing since sliced bread when TWW launched?

Then Yoda started playing Prot Pally and here we are. Interesting.

With the current lack of tanks its really bad to be nerfing a tank for no reason and not buffing the weaker tanks up.


It is a shame. I used to love protection on my warriors, but they screwed it up so much most of my guys are fury now.

Keep a few as protection because I have so many nice shield mogs.

My grandpappy always said “a nerfed warrior is a good warrior”

Or something like that. He had dementia. Anyway, anything that gives me an edge over tank ganks I’m all for

I’ll never understand why players come in here to give an ovation to Blizz for a nerf to a class they barely play (if at all), and then have the audacity to argue with players who main said nerfed class.
Like there isn’t enough on these boards to troll?


Just ignore the mutated troll trust me its a bit more simple. The bigger issue is Blizzard is focused on the wrong thing rather than nerfing warriors they should be buffing the leather using tanks as they are all the lowest tanks right now and need to be brought up to the other tanks level rather than nerfing warriors and leaving Paladins ruleing the roost. Now just as I said before this is not asking for nerfs for Paladins just bring the other tanks up to the correct power levels rather than nerfing prot warrior.

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