Revert the Prot Warrior nerfs next patch

Explains why ive seen a large influx of VDH alts popping up in lower keys. Gearing up the next fotm

Guardian is solid. Very middle of the pack and thats alright. I’ll take it. Brew though…

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Havoc is also going to be playing the most terribly designed hero spec in the game next season as well so VDH is likely going to be the only way raiders are getting 3% magic buff in their group lmfao. hilarious stuff.

Guess they weren’t satisfied with the 80% Prot Paladin pickrate and wanted to finally break the spirit of the freewilled.

Dropping all pretenses: The balance vision for tanks sucks. Just, stop.



so they are finally nerfing ignore pain. Sounds good to me. i’ve been abusing the crap out of that since they originally broke it. About time they fixed it.

Nerf to rage generation is a chain reaction, very very bad consequence.
Let’s explain it in prot pala pov, what they did to Warr is like
“judgement and 3 type of hammers now only have 66% chance to generate 1 HP and their cooldown increased by 2 sec”,
“sanctified wrath now causes judgements have 100% chance to generate 1 HP”,
”grand crusader triggering chance reduced to 10%, 13% with inspiring vanguard”,
“bastion of light talent removed”
“word of glory now cost 5HP, but its healing increased by 50%” (yeah 167% cost for 150% performance)
“HP requirement for cooldown reduction talents keeps unchanged”
as compensation, they add
“Guardian of ancient kings cooldown reduced by 30s”
Now cheer up and buy yourselves another one year sub pallies.


Mountain thane has too much rage and colossus will have too much soon enough with all the haste prot warrior gets.

The buff to shield wall and ignore pain will keep us defensively the same but our damage output will take a big hit. They should balance damage before the patch goes live after some testing.

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Well, time to remove temptation and take Revenge off my bar.


Yeah its pretty terrible the amount of nerfs they just slapped on Prot Warrior, after the massive amount of tank nerfs we received coming out of Dragonflight.


It does not. Especially on the damage front. Warriors have to sacrifice damage for defensives, this makes pressing Revenge outside of Procs to be potentially very punishing, especially on bigger pulls, this nerf pretty much ensures Prot Pal will have no competition for S2 either.


It does…30% bigger IPs mean 30% less rage going into IPs

The problem with Warriors is that they have so much rage generation now that they can use both IP and Revenge without fear of being starved.

You werent spamming IP. The fact youre pressing Revenge almost every 6 seconds and getting 250+ uses a run shows that theres plenty of Rage to spare.

Youre not going from 11 uses a minute to only procs. Thats being overly dramatic. Although it does still affect the damage front regardless. But by how much is yet to be seen. Prot dps is still pretty solid and im sure will remain so.

Even if you reduce Revenge usage by 30%, youre only losing about 4-5% damage overall. Thats counting reduced Avatar usage from a slightly lower CDR from Anger Management.

If you are geared already you are sitting at 45% haste with “itf” you can’t really go up from there as diminishing returns kick in so no they won’t have enough haste to make it work. You seem to gloss over that most self-healing was from Indomitable so each loss of IP that you now cannot cast is a loss of 3.5% of your health in healing you have lost, the loss of revenge casts is 2-3% “depending on talents” of health for each cast lost. And the loss of avatar cd leads to further rage loss due to less avatar casts.

Yeah so I like dumping all that in revenge so I can do the trivial content faster. You guys are ruining it for everyone cause some player has no life out there.

Do you understand how the colossus hero tree works? The spec is built on casting revenge as many of its talents buff it and its mitigation is tied into casting it. Colossus tclap does not do enough damage to hold aggro as it is not buffed by the mtn thane hero tree so revenge is the main way you build and hold aggro in multi target.


I admittedly do not.

But if casting Revenge = mitigation, then you’re not sacrificing defensives for damage, nor damage for defensives, as they’re both one

Don’t worry, they’ll buff Prot Paladins so you can be forced to reroll and forget everything.

Yeah I’m not worried about it at all. Prot will be fine. I’m just hoping for damage balance between tanks.

blizz, at least buff prot warr damage.

not regretting one bit re rolling bdk this xpac

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Before you comment you might want to do basic research? less revenge casts is less defensives as you still need to cast ignore pain as well. If you check my other post I explain about how it is tied together. loss of damage Damage is also leech talents that are built into the prot warrior spec. The buff to Ip does not work out when you cast it half as often, so one cast at 600k with new buff it would be 780k and 3.5% max hp healing from Ind now compare it to 2 casts of Ip 1.2 mil and 7% of max hp healing from ind. The Ip buff is not even close to compensation for the nerfs. so if you want to say well it will be more like a loss of 1 of 3 casts the math would be 2 casts of new Ip 1.56 mil + 7% of max health vs 3 casts 1.8 million +10.5% of your health healed.


When has Havoc not been the most terribly designed hero spec in the game, post-Legion?