Just saw Wowheads post of them listing multiple clips from members in the community showcasing how awesome the Dracthyr ability soar was before the nerf. It’s actually so sad that you can see people clearly loving it and they take its potential away for no reason.
I can literally hear the devs say to themselves “nah we are going to our own thing and we don’t care what the community wants”
Soar being merc’d into Zen Flight and Forge of Light is only the first “L” we’re gonna take with this expansion. There’s a faction within blizzard product development that is absolutely convinced that games can’t be fun if they don’t tick you off.
Pathfinder. Legiondary acquisition. AoE cap. Azerite armor. Essence unlocks. GCD change. Conduit energy. Covenant cooldown. Rep locks. Again and again and again.
And then, in 10.2.5 when the metrics are in, they’ll acquiesce and make a big apology and release a dev blog called “we hear you” or similar, and we’ll go around again.
Make soar = dragonriding. Make dragonriding usable everywhere. Huge “W” and prove they’re really listening to feedback and not ready to stubbornly die on another hill with their colossal egos.
Revert soar nerf or make it cosmetic dragon riding, please! I am more in favor of the cosmetic bit, too be truthful… let the dragons use their own wings.