Revert Option for New UI?

Well yes, that was reponse to your point because “supporting addons” includes anouncing whether you can use them or not. Blizzard does not in any way provide support for addons, so they aren’t going to make public statements about it. That being said, addons in general are working fine, if they aren’t showing up at all for you you are likely doing something wrong.

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Most likely the reason ElvUI failed for you is that the recent instructions are to delete the addon if you have trouble and reinstall completely (not the saved data, just the addon). They were moving fast and loose getting corrections in and leaving deprecated files behind could (and did) mess with it.

It’s working just fine for me in a heavily modified UI environment, so it’s NOT ElvUI’s issue, or if it is you’re a severe edge case.

There is no way to control the layout even close to what was. I’ve played for years and very set in how things work. This is why WOW is losing membership.
VERY disappointed


That is exactly how life works, Buttercup. When you pay for a product for years, you expect to have options when it changes. Even freaking Microsoft gives you the option to retain their classic interface. Gtfoh.

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They give you the option, but it doesn’t actually do so and it doesn’t work 100%.

I’ve been an early-adopter for Microsoft for a very long time.

I still haven’t figured out how to get some of the Win10 interface options back in place (for non-trivial reasons - two strokes and I can’t easily process icon information and they moved a ton of drop down options to iconic selection or an additional step of “more options” so doing lots of multiple file options takes much longer now - even with the “make it look like it used to look” option selected).

That’s exactly the situation here.

There’s a “classic” option, but it’s only close.

There are community-written addons that at attempt to recreate the old look and feel, but won’t completely succeed.

Change is life. Even the dead change as they decompose.

Commenting aswell to follow and to completely and absolutely agree with this need for an implementation of the choice to use the actual “Classic” player interface layout, and the new one that has been dropped into our laps here.

I myself am a total bias in my dislike of the new update, being as I have Autism in the form of Aspergers’ Syndrome…and one of the most comment traits to this influence over myself is a blaring dislike of any forms of change to things that we ourselves did not have hand in or seek out, manifest as mental, emotional, and even physical distress upon the person.

That little bit of information aside, I wont deny…the other problems yet to be solved aside…with this change of interface, and lack there of a way to return to the previous, and my own ui setup, be it by Blizzard options or Addon influence…I have really lost out on alot of my desire to even login and play, since things arent going to be what these 17 invested years of playing the game have made for myself.

Thank you all for humoring this book of a post here… I know I can tend to ramble a bit when speaking of a topic of which I am fervent of.


I disagree that players will get used to it after a month. Classic is a prime example that disproves that theory. The vast majority of players did not get used to the lack of quest assistance, instead the vast majority installed Questie to bring in Retail Quest Assistance to their UI.


That’s called “adaptation” and it’s exactly what will happen here.

so is there a add on in curseforge or minion to revert back to the old UI please i need to know i hate this new so badly

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Since this topic has been discussed at length, and I agree with many of the criticisms already voiced, I will try to keep this brief. The pattern I’ve noticed over the years is Blizz attempting to make changes to incorporate features into the game that had previously only existed through third party add-ons. While this is a commendable effort, and I generally support it, the recent UI overhaul is an utter failure.

I was extremely happy with the base UI and would have customized it to something similar had it not been laid out in that manner. I know many who would disagree and have been using add-ons to customize a variety of configurations for years. That versatility is the reason why third-party add-ons are so popular.

All Blizz has accomplished in this update is to trade one group of malcontents for another. Fans of the old stock UI will either take up an add-on for further customization, silently brood about how much their current options suck, or as some have suggested, scrap the game altogether.

As someone who is currently working on end user quality of life improvements for a software package, I would like to remind Blizz devs of how important finding a balance is when making these sorts of changes. Your user base is diverse, and a change like this is likely to piss off as many people as it pleases if not done correctly. There is no rational reason to exclude a revert option short of a rush to the finish line for the sake of your bottom line.

So much for keeping it short, but I feel strongly about this one. Please consider fixing this in a near future patch, for our sake and for yours.


True, but I believe that entirely defeats the purpose I believe Blizz was going for; to invalidate the need for another add-on by incorporating the feature in the base game. I could be wrong on their intentions, but I don’t think so. As I mentioned in another post in this thread, they are simply trading one set of malcontents for another.

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I’m with you on that dude, I’ve been playing on and off since 2006, super casual, but I’ve completely stopped playing the game just because of this ui change. Make it an option, don’t just force everyone to use this new awful ui. I’ve been using the same ui addons for over 10 years. Now 90% won’t work, even after updating. I check once a week to see if the updates will work, no luck yet though.

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I agree 1000%! The new UI sucks! I play on a laptop and there’s simply not enough screen space to have all the bars on the screen and not cover something up. The old UI was PERFECT! Nothing was covered, everything was accessible, and I could see what I needed to see and do what I needed to do on all my alts. The new UI… I’m constantly missing things because elements are covered. I’m constantly unable to see what I need to see. And I spend way too much time editing the UI for each of my alts just so I can do the basic minimum I need to do. WoW is NOT fun now, and unless Dragonflight is over-the-top fun, playable, and enjoyable to the point where I don’t care as much about the UI issues, I’m outta here.


I don’t think that was Blizzard’s goal. It’s certainly not one that they ever publicized.

I think they were attempting (and failed miserably) to give a small amount of modification options for those who don’t need more, but disabilities and play style are so widely varied in their UI needs that no one UI or one UI system is ever going to work alone.

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Literally the only thing that “covers things up” now by default are the action bars though? Just move the third one off to the side and make it 2x6. That’s basically the old UI layout.

This new ui is absolute garbage. Why would you “fix” something that wasn’t broken. Then FORCE me to download an addon to make this ui actually playable, but still HOT GARBAGE.


except for the unreadable macrobar in the corner, the bag that, if moved overlaps 5 slots next to it. Oh, and the fact that if you move the macrobar, bag bar, chat or objectives bar, and save them, when you log back in, it’s back where it was. You’re right, what’s the big deal. Just set up your UI every time you play!

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The ClassicUI addon is up and running! It reverts all the action bars, the map, the lfg icon, the menu icons, and the bags! (unit frames coming soon, but there is a standalone Classic Unit Frames addon already!)

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An addon fixed it. It’s aesthetic.