Revered -> Exalted Silverwing Sentinels Ashenvale event

Yeah the other game I play is dota, and there are a lot of similarities between a high level game of dota and WSG. There are also a lot of similarities between a low level game of dota and a WSG full of low tier pugs (you can smash them just like you can smash a game on a dota smurf acc).

I only hear this from bad pvp players - anyone that has made an effort to be top tier at vanilla pvp realizes how much depth it actually has and that it could be turned into a great competitive mode as is.

Currently people play mixed games (like dota when it was on wc3 before MMR), but that doesn’t mean there aren’t in house style leagues that do wargames and top tier premades that end up against each other.

PvP takes a nosedive at TBC with the addition of resiliance and overly simple objectives. We all thought arenas would be a cool addition but the implementation and overall watering down of the game turns out that it made most pvp players have to seek out other games to get the juices really flowing.

The lack of a ladder is only one of the reasons it’s not competitive. Though, it is an incredibly important one, as without any real metric by which to gauge yourself it is murky at best to track progress you are or aren’t making.

It’s also not a competitive experience because it is simply a balancing embarrassment and efficacy is highly dependent on a multitude of de facto exploits and sheer time investment.

Sure, there are similarities. MOBAs are everything BGs wish they could be.

This is cope. I am a consistently ~99th percentile PvP player across a number of games over the last 10+ years (that even thoroughly enjoyed BGs in Vanilla) and I am telling you that Vanilla PvP is hot garbage as a competitive activity. If you think otherwise you are not a competitive player, because it is an inherently anti-competitive activity in a number of ways.

Your interpretation of events is absurd. Arenas are amazing and continue to be a singular experience that is offered nowhere else. Blizzard failed to support them as a proper competitive activity despite the game mode representing an absolute playerbase which warranted it, and that is why they failed.

Other games which were similar enough (mainly MOBAs) came out and suddenly you didn’t have to tolerate all the BS grinding and imbalances due to lack of attention and care that came with arena, but that had nothing to do with the game mode itself. That was entirely on Blizzard fumbling the ball.

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Eh, i’d agree with you if it was a permanent server, but this is a seasonal server, where we’re encouraged to make multiple characters, and experiment, so I don’t think there’s any real value in making people grind for well, anything.

You pvp on era? What games are we talking about?

I am not sure what 99th percentile on retail means considering there are so few gamers actually pvping there.

Most WSG games are def not very competitive - but the few that are - wargames, or just enough good gamers on each side - are def competitive and start to hinge on tiny mistakes or outplays.

And the ones that aren’t competitive you can carry and have a good time stomping.

Agreed completely that WSG is the best iteration of PVP in classic, and is the true Classic endgame. Now if retail PVP is better and us classic players are all terrible, then whatever. It wasn’t until I tried to understand the real meta of WSG that I saw the beauty of the game mode.

I also played DotA for many years and see similarities in the asymmetrical gameplay of WSG. Although the classes aren’t “balanced” by any means, every class has its role to play - once you understand what your class’s role is and embrace it, you will have a lot more fun (and win more).

However this is all true of level 60 WSG meta that has been perfected over years of private servers. SoD is probably going to screw everything up royally and might end up making level 60 WSG a total goat rodeo. Who knows…


Rofl? Do you actually think more people are playing Classic PvP?

99th percentile is not a retail term, and refers to ladder standing. It means that you are higher rated than 99% of the ladder. It is a good, generic way to refer to your ability in a game because it translates the best. Different games associate different percentile ranges with their cosmetic ranks, so saying you’re Gold means something different depending on the game in which you are that rank. Your percentile standing generally indicates something similar no matter the game.

So at my peak in League I was at the 98.5th percentile, being at the time in low Diamond. In Heroes of the Storm I was also in the 99th percentile, which was “Rank 1” in-game and high Diamond on the third-party ladder. In Wrath I was a high Duelist, which was also around the 99th percentile. In Lost Ark I was a Master tier player, which was around the 99.9th percentile. In retail currently I am the 25th ranked player for my main spec, which is about the 99.2nd percentile.

It has been my skill level pretty consistently over the years, no matter the game I play. Out of every 1000 players competing I am better than 990 of them. I am, in a highly objective and empirical sense, about as far from being a bad player as you can be.

They may be as competitive as WSG ever gets, but they are still not competitive in a real sense with how influenced they are by your time investment outside of the battleground itself. I’ll even cede the terrible game balance on the idea that both teams in a hypothetically competitive match are playing the meta.

This is the mentality of a griefer, not a competitor.

Just have Blizzard add bracers in the next patch that are like 2 stats off from the WSG ones. That way the people who want to grind can have their trophy but it’s also not offensive to the dad gamers who want to keep up too.

Not for casters.

Yes of course. I understand that. So it isn’t competitive from a metric standpoint.

That does not mean the pvp community does not make it competitive for themsevles.

You don’t need a ladder metric for the competition to be fun. It is just people making their own competition between themsevles.

The wargame feature has existed since classic, and was used for the warsong and AB blizzard tournaments.

We still use wargame feature to this day. We have been using it for years. And I’m not talking about 14 people.

There are currently community hosted wsg tournaments being hosted on sod for 25/40/50/60. This isn’t something people are going to speak out of existence because there is no ladder

Opinion noted, but that’s all it is

An opinion. And that’s ok to have

We do not see it this way. And warsong communities have been a thing even years before classic. Metrics never existed yet it’s been one of the most fun niche pvp modes most of us have ever played. Many of us like games like dota league SC2 AoE etc, so we recognize the difference between ladder and not. The metric does not remove the competition in game - only on paper.

Looking good on the ladder is fun. But if you are denying there are no competent very skilledplayers because of a lack there if I would be quite sus of your claims, because we have a handful of rank 1 arena players who love to wargame pre v pre

Because at that point I would question your capabilities in wsg would it ever gain a ladder metric.

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This is where I was when I first started vanilla on pservers.

I thought it was dumb until I was taught how to play it.

People just don’t know how deep and in depth the higher tier games between good teams really are. They don’t want to understand. There is way too much going on for someone who doesn’t understand the meta.

Better for them to start smaller

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2-3 stats? More like +10 stats better. And actually has spell dmg on it and not agility and spirit…

Also epic legs at lvl 60.

No need to be fake about it. If you don’t care about making your toons stronger that’s fine. Why berate other others over it, hmm?

If you think the bracers that drop from gnomer will be 10 stats less you clearly haven’t done BFD yet. But hey if you wanna grind WSG non stop for bracers go nuts, I know I’m just gonna get the drop ones and be perfectly happy even if I am down 1-5 main stat.

Epic items from WSG rep are not currently in the game.

If you are grinding exalted now, then you are hoping that Blizzard adds them with the next phase.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that the exalted epics are not added until the level cap is 60. I am personally not going to bother with exalted this phase. I’ll work towards it next phase, and the phase after, when ranks are increased up to rank 9. You should be able to reach exalted before rank 9, assuming you get revered thru Ashenvale before you do any WSG.

No point grinding for the tabard anyway. Stuck at 20995 / 21000. FFS

Im just playing wsg to fight people.

Im also getting a tabard as an extra eventually.

Also im pretty sure a natures wrath bracer will be better for me anyway by the time you can buy the epic

did it let you hit exalted ??? im locked 5 rep from 21000

General consensus is feb release date for phase 2. January has stuff like diablo 4 season and wrath stuff so it would be pretty weird if they released phase 2 in jan. Blizz has a history of spacing out their releases in order to maximize subscriptions and overall hype for their IPs

It actually originally went right up to exalted. They had to cap it because the first Ashelenvale fights for the first few days were just alliance victories in literally 3 seconds. Lots of alliance got exalted that way. Then they kept it after the fact. Exploit early exploit often.

But I anticipate they will uncap it the soon as they’ve worked out the event a little more and it gets closer to the end of the phase so those who want to get exalted can get exalted.

Bis bracers phase 2, phase 3, prebis phase 4 bracers and legs.

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