Revered -> Exalted Silverwing Sentinels Ashenvale event

I heard they potentially considered adding this have they said anything since then? I really do not wanna do the premade meta thing.


Funny joke


Why are people in a rush to get exalted with WSG?

Just chill, ever since 1.14 on Era most people hit rank 14 before they are even revered with WSG, savor the rep and ranking. And when you finally have that purple tabard you can appreciate it more.

A couple WSG games a day is great fun, with a team or solo.

If you try to bust out 21k WSG rep in a short period of time - you will likely hate it unless you are running with a team you really enjoy playing with and have an insane amount of time to burn.


Not so much a rush for me to hit exalted, just more of an incentive to continue joining the event.

Maybe if both factions weren’t going out of their way to avoid each other by jumping layers, the incentive would be in doing world PvP. Unfortunately both sides on my server avoid each other, so the only reason to join in would be for rep.

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Because in phase 2, the bracers you get from being Exalted are very likely to be BiS, giving people a headstart on getting geared for the Gnomer raid. That’s literally the only reason.


is p2 going to be lvl 40? Gnomer as a dungeon is far under lvl 40 so it would really require a much bigger bump than BFD did if they turn it into a lvl 40 thing. Thermaplug is like lvl 34 and mobs the mobs are like high 20s in there. If it was available at current phase we would be easily smashing through it with our newfound powers.

But anyways I digress - the bracers are okay but I wouldn’t worry much about them lol. One of the weakest slots… I love wsg but to push oneself to be exalted for what will be like 10 more stats over similar level greens and even less relative to the dungeon is a bit crazy.

Maybe that’s why all these angry threads about premades stomping are there lol - people are just angry they are forcing themselves to push what should be a couple months of wsg rep into a week or two.

The best rewards from WSG rep were the legs (but they add those in phase 5 i think) so they probably won’t be available when we hit level cap (they are far too strong for p1 gear).

That’s a lot of words to say “free gear”
BiS or not, I don’t have to farm it. And it scales (well, you can buy different levels) That’s why.

To preface, I agree that there’s not a reason to rush to Exalted in WSG. You’ll be able to get one epic piece as soon as you hit 40, but that’s still going to be replaced at/by 50, and that piece is going to be replaced at/by 60; we have at least six months before we’ll be able to hit 60.

That having been said, if phase 2 is slated to start after Ruby Sanctum’s release in Wrath Classic on Jan 11, it’s probably between mid January and early February.
Let’s say we have 30 days to make the math easy. Going from 0/21k revered to 0/1k exalted would require averaging 700 rep per day.
Let’s also look at just wins to make the math even easier. One win is 105 rep and 3 marks of honor. The turn-in on these three marks is 50 rep, making one win equal to 155 rep. You’d only have to average 4.5 wins per day - or 10 wins every 2 days - to get from 0/21k to 0/1k in 30 days.
If it took you 15 minutes to win a game and another 5 minutes to queue into a new game, you could do 5 games in about an hour and a half.

If you’re at a point where you’re not really doing much else at level cap, and you have the free time and want to play still, but don’t want to level an alt, it’s not a horrendous amount of time. Once you stop looking purely at hypotheticals, and start factoring losses, time forming groups, games that last more than 10-15 minutes, etc., the time can get much longer, but you can still make massive headway toward exalted by playing pretty casually.

with a match every 6 hours you still be better off in WSG

I don’t get it, what are you talking about? They completely redid the entirety of BFD, implementing new mechanics, changing health pools and damage, and you’re hung up on Thermaplugg being level 34?

Did you think they clicked some kind of “convert” button and suddenly BFD was a raid? They redid it from the ground up, levels don’t mean anything.

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I agree they should match up premades against premades, but getting exalted should require PVP.

Also I solo grinded revered to exalted and tracked my games, only around 25% were against premades. I think people are really biased in how they remember their WSG and way overestimate how prevalent premades truly are. Though they do seem more common at primetime, I’ll grant that.

Because WSG is turbo aids, like even Reagan would go “You need less aids”.

So getting the rep now is many peoples only chance at sick purps

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What a dumb way to look at World of Warcraft. Classic Andies smh.

People understand twinking at level 19 but can’t understand wrap their head around something like striving for BIS and dunking on noobs for months during the level cap of a given patch or phase. It’s crazy to me how people can’t get that.


Mob scaling. In SOD mobs scale based on their level. For each level it goes up a % in HP.

Level 40 SOD mobs will have several times more HP than vanilla. At level 60 they will have 500-600% more HP to match our new power. This is non-elites. So the Gnomer Raid will be level 42 Elites. Elites have additional scaling. So trash mobs will have 4500-6000 HP or so.

As far as Rep goes. I don’t care, I just want PvP to be good or it’s not worth doing.

honestly right now losing WSG to premades is better rep than ashenvale at least for alliance on living flame…it takes so long for the event to start, which lately is always a loss whereas every 3 losses wsg is 100 rep, and on the occasional win even more

…I’m currently doing the WSG rep grind, aiming for exalted before the next phase, because I enjoy playing my character, and because I’d rather spend an hour and a half doing WSG the days I’m not doing BFD or completely logged off; I’ll probably hit exalted by the time Ruby Sanctum drops at my current pace. I said there’s no need to rush, because there’s not. If someone suffers from massive FOMO, that’s still not a need to rush for most people; that’s a compulsion for that individual that will express itself in other ways than just the game. I never said there’s anything wrong with people who want to do so; I said there’s no need to do so, but that for those who want to do so, it’s not so much WSG that it would result in massive burnout.

There’s no need to spout conjecture. You just come off looking both horribly rude and horribly ignorant.

I mean, that’s based, but you really came off looking like you were saying “why play the game when a future patch or phase will make my gear obsolete” which is the dumbest take possible. Other than Era, every version of World of Warcraft eventually makes whatever is current obsolete by the next thing, and the only correct way is to play for fun in the here and now rather than caring about whether your rewards carry forward.

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Right now is objectively the best time to grind exalted in WSG if you plan on doing it at any point in SoD.

First of all, the rep rewards scale every 10 levels, so in every phase you will be able to get bis or near bis items immediately as they become available without needing to further grind more WSG, and this future proofed grind will be relevant all the way into AQ.

Secondly, if you use a little forsight and have an understanding of how the playerbase as a whole will likely behave at a meta level, in the next phase AB will become available, the majority of people grinding bgs will be pretty much solely focused on queueing AB rather than weaving WSG in because with a low rank cap the rep is the only real incentive for most, then the phase after that will feature AV, same story, by the time we hit 60 and people start doing the actual pvp ranking grinds AV will likely still be the meta, or at the very least WSG and AB won’t be nearly as populated.

TLDR: grinding exalted in WSG in future phases will likely be significantly harder/slower than it is now as the only BG people are queing, and the grind has value and rewards for pretty much every future phase of SoD.


The fact that you guys think it’s normal to grind 21,000 rep for a bracer is what is the problem here. Let’s say you go 100% win rate. That’s 205 rep a win. So let’s say 105 wins. Speed running flag let’s say 10 mins to queue, get in, and win. That is still 17.5 hours of pure non stop speed running WSG with flawless execution and wins. For a pair of bracers that are like 2-3 stats better then a random green drop.

This. Get your reps in now.