Revered -> Exalted Silverwing Sentinels Ashenvale event

100 wins in wsg is how long it takes to go from revered to exalted ON ONE CHARACTER.

Considering bis equipment is gonna be coming from wsg exalted for the next 3 phases, and that a lot of us are playing multiple characters, and this is a seasonal (aka shorter than normal lifespan) server, and we don’t want to spend literally all evening every evening for the entire duration of the seasonal server doing nothing but wsg… Yeah, I can see why people want to just be able to do the event to exalted.

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You don’t need to do premade in wsg to get exalted, hell I didn’t at all, but it does take time. Some of us have more time to dump into wsg than others so it might take a weekend or it might take 3 weeks. But the removal of rep from ashenvale for revered players is still on my top terrible decisions blizzard has made for classic.

The fact it’s so good means it shouldn’t be that easy to get. Multiple phase BIS should take effort, not afking.

Personally I don’t care about the bracers. Whatever the newest raid is for the next phases will have bracers in it and I’ll just get those instead.

Thanks for pointing out how ridiculous some wow players are. This is like working for less than a dollar an hour to buy yourself kfc instead of mcdonalds at the end of the week.


Yeah I really think they should allow it to exalted, it just keeps the event relevant for longer, I really don’t see a downside to this.

Min-maxxers gonna min-max.

I do feel like the stat diff is bigger than that but I could be wrong.

Aggrend said a week ago now that they are looking into allowing ashenvale rep past revered, but no words of that since 7 days ago, looks like it was a lie

About a week ago is when they deliberately nerfed the small guys giving rep at revered. So I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen.

Because its the most soul sucking faction rep that will be harder to queue for as the game progresses

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Its horrible and I am really not wanting to que against premades if we wont do anything about the premades let me rep farm in the Ashenvale event. Getting 0 rep in a premade v pug is awful.

Yeah, I figure the raid items will be just as good or close in comparison. I’m still slowly working on the grind though as it’s nice to have good items for the raid and I enjoy WSG. My Only issue is how premades killed the fun for me, I was getting like 3/4 games with premades over randoms like my team.


The whole thing is awful and they need to just let people rep in Ashenvale. Nobody wants to do this.

Personally I’m pushing for exalted as right now it’s the easiest way, next phase opens up Arathi, currently with WSG being the only Battleground it’s the easiest and best time to hit exalted. Insanely quick queues.

Once further phases open up it’s just gonna spread the player base over other BGs.

I don’t have the time to PvP as much like how I played in the past. But on Christmas break so now’s the time for me!.

Come phase 2 and onwards it’s going to take a hell of more time investment then what it is currently.

Maybe add in a rep per hk while the ashenvale event is active to encourage more players to keep doing it beyond revered and make the event itself become more than just a boss rush where you would have counter raids of revered players.

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One today is better than two tomorrow… Always be the best you can…

Because afterwards you are free from WSG and never have to touch the premade griefing blender again?

I’m just replying to you but a few others basically made the same claim up above.

WSG is endgame pvp for vanilla - where the best players and teams eventually clash in the grind that it is to push their skills to the limit and earn resources for their faction.

If one doesn’t like WSG they probably don’t like pvp very much, or are perhaps lying to themselves a little about their skill and WSG is forcing them to face reality.

So to everyone trying to rush the grind early, it is okay to take your time, when you beat all other parts of vanilla - then you can focus on mastering WSG because it is the true endgame.

Getting exalted with WSG is much easier than mastering the battleground (even without the insanely easy rep from Ashenvale event) it would take multiple toons to exalted before people really even begin to master the BG.

PvE players don’t need to worry about it unless you are trying to parse like 98+ in every phase.

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Classic players that think they’re PvPers continue to be bloody adorable.

Just rofl. It is not, and never has been. If you are interested in actual competition there is literally every actual competitive game that exists, including the retail iteration of this very game. Classic PvP is a joke and always has been, and the zany, wacky fun that it could have provided has been stomped out by premades and absurdly delusional “serious PvPers” like yourself.

You ever seen one of those scenes from How I Met Your Mother where Barney is tryharding at laser tag while the kids are just trying to have fun? That is literally you.

It doesn’t have to have a competitive metric attached to it for it to be peoples end game bro

I know it may sound crazy to you but there are tons of ppl who play classic to loot pvp gear out of raids to spam BGs with till the server dies.

Just because it isn’t your end game doesn’t mean it isn’t someone else’s.

Classic has always only ever been community driven competition no matter what you do

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