Revenue Loss from Classic WoW

Its more a visceral response to the idiotic premise “LOL you wont play classic you cant take a challenge” or “LOL you wont survive Classic”

its. A. Computer. Game.

There’s room for both. IMO i don’t know why everyone seems to be so against the classic servers coming back. If the servers do well it can only benefit retail. Very little money needs to be spent on old content. If it brings back more subs, that’s more money to be spent adding to retail. The #nochange crowd is good for wow whether people believe it or not.

Im not at all.

I just dont appreciate the sneers and bad attitude some have, including one who insists that one cannot discuss a matter unless they are “qualified” to do so.


Classic needs a sub. (No money lost).
Still lots who will stick with retail and no mass exodus even for this hysteria-trend.

So nope, you are super-exaggerating what’s to come.

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Hmm, without selling gold in classic, how will they keep gold-sellers out?

Is that any different than you rendering judgement on a game you didn’t play, relying solely on second-hand information? Everyone who DID play 2004-2006 had their own experiences in their own group of friends/guildies. A bad guild, or a douche-bag group of friends would give one perspective on the game which would be completely opposite of the perspective of a group of cooperating, accomodating friends/guildies. You have neither; you didn’t play “back then.”


Actually it is the subs that count. If you download live you can log into classic. It is actually a smart move because there are plenty of people who are not sub’d currently who would still be sub’d if classic was available today. I would totally play classic when live goes into a lull phase, which seems to start about 3 months into the game now and days.

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Understood, gamers have changed and people don’t realise that the so called “Vanilla Purists” are all 15 years older than they were back then, so the majority of them will now be in their late 20’s and older with no time for the gamer kiddos of today giving them crap about the things they want. Not saying the #nochanges people are easy to deal with, but neither are the retailers.



takes deep breath


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I’m really excited for Classic but even I know that this is almost certainly going to be the case, personally I’m looking forward to playing both. I think there will always be a core playerbase, but the grindy and challenging nature of the game is going to be a nasty shock to a LOT of people.

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BeIng able to craft whilst not draggIng bagfuls of mats anywhere is an improvement.

Being able to craft from the reagant bank is an improvement.

Still laughing?

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It really won’t, it will pull some in for maybe 2-3 months. Most if us who played in Vanilla know how good we have it. I agree some aspect of BfA aren’t to my liking, however, I will choose current content hands down over classic, most people I play with who played back then as well agree.

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What you don’t get Aks, is that the retail players have already left in droves. Probably 10 million since peak. Out of the over 100 million individual WoW accounts created, I’m pretty sure Classic can pull more of those former players than retail currently does.

But in the end, it all benefits future retail development. Even if they decide to redo BC, once they’ve done Classic they’ll have better handle on the process. It won’t be nearly as expensive to remake/maintain as creating brand new content. Plus, Blizzard won’t be afraid to release sub numbers, bc they’ll spike up with the sub requirements.



Vanilla players have almost come full circle, a lot of us left the game to do things more important. Myself i now work full time rather than spend all night drinking and playing games. I have a 12 year old son i’m responsible for and several other areas of life that made committing to a game difficult. Now however, i have time to be able to do it again. I’ve been playing Live for about a year or so and enjoy it. But i’ll also have the time for Vanilla again.

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It really will, the players left in the game are literally like 2% of the total WoW accounts created over time. Plenty who would never touch retail at this point will come back for the original they loved.

Other games have had great success with retro titles. There is no reason to be threatened by Classic, it will benefit retail development to have the extra sub income. People who still enjoy Retail, in its current state, are definitely not the target audience. with well over 100 million individual WoW accounts created over the years, they have plenty of former players who liked the way the game used to be to entice with nostalgia.

Very few players who currently like the non rpg pace of today’s game will play Classic, or get it. But a lot of former, and many current players who don’t enjoy current WoW will.

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A lot of people who will sub just for Classic are the ones who quit playing to wait for Classic, so it’s a win-win for Blizzard.


in order to play classic you have to subscribe to retail


It’s old content. Supporting it will be very cheap.

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Oh I get it. What I also get is that Classic will not pull in anything close to what retail will, after the first few months.

Blizzard will not release sub numbers. Its not about being afraid. Its about it being the industry stand and how no one releases sub numbers. Because there is 0 benefit to. It can literally only harm the company.

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Nah, classic won’t be as popular as all the fanbois think it will be. It’ll lose most of its player base overnight when they realize that their favorite spec isn’t viable in group content, and most specs are barely viable for soloing.

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