Revenue Loss from Classic WoW

How will Blizzard make up the revenue loss from Classic? They will have many players who will put down Retail for many months if not years. Store mounts, coins and in game services will all take a hit and supporting classic will not be cheap.

Blizzard/Activision has demonstrated that its all about the Benjamins and I dont see them willingly taking that loss and most certainly will have a way to make up and profit off Classic.


I mean, Classic still requires an active sub to World of Warcraft. I’m guessing the gameplan is that people who don’t like retail will resub to play Classic, and that will support things like bug fixes/server upkeep/whatever development costs it had.


The people playing Classic will have to pay $14.99 a month. Since Classic probably won’t support tokens, they will either have to pay out of pocket or play BFA to earn the gold for tokens.


Agreed. I’m willing to bet that ingame purchasables will be available and that they will also continue the current token system in that game, just put it on a different track from the current WoW one. Subscription+ingame would likely be an effective combination.

Another solution would be to sell two versions of classic wow: one client side program and one host server with differing prices and retaining all the IP rights.

Between the two, the first is the conservative option, while the latter has the potential to make more money, but also more problems. There’s probably other ideas out there.


Don’t worry. Classic isn’t going to be nearly that popular. People will still by retail expansions.


They aren’t going to let third-party vendors run Classic servers.


What makes you think they’ll loose anything with Classic WoW? Players who want to play that will “re-sub”, or continue to stay subbed, whereas they would be gaining nothing from those players (or potentially lose a sub) if it weren’t for Classic WoW.

What so many in these forums fail to see is that, quite literally, every business in in business “for the Benjamins”. No company, Blizzard included, is in business to lose money or, as many seem to believe, just not make any money (or break even).

Store mounts, coins, and in-game services won’t take a hit from anything. They likely don’t make as much as folks seem to think they do to begin with; they aren’t designed to make a ton of money considering that many are “one time” purchases and the ones that aren’t (outside of the Tokens) are “cost prohibitive” (at least according to these here forums).

Some people who post here probably need to gain some understanding of basic economics and general business practices.


This. People forget how much better wow is today than it was back then. It won’t take long for people to get tired of it.


There wont be revenue loss at all classic wow will bring back lots of old wow players.if there is any loss blizzard will just put another mount on the store when classic launches.


They said there won’t be any patch fixes for Classic, whatever bugs or issues that it had when it was Live back then will still exist in the new Classic this includes any hacks and such as long as it doesn’t affect server stability and security, its all open.

Agreed, in a lot of ways WoW today is a lot better than it was in Vanilla. People will still play Classic eagerly though.

Even though I am enjoying current wow, warts and all I will still make a classic guy and play that from time to time.

I equate it to how retro gaming is popular even though we have technology that makes games look better than reality now a days.


Because, $15 in the hand is worth other money in the bush; You have to have a regular sub to play Classic (which is included with that regular sub.)

Also, you missed something:

You won’t be able to earn a token in Classic. It will be a Herculean effort just to scrounge the 1 K gold for that 1 epic mount, so no one will be getting 150 K gold to buy a token with; They’ll STILL have to play regular Wow, if they plan on paying for that $15 sub with a token.

It is actually genius, since it is win/win for them. The people playing Classic only add to the perceived success of retail (since they still need the sub.)


Classic will require an active sub.

And also, they will have gear from loot boxes which you can pay real money for.

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The forum you are looking for is right here.



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I might have made that part up. But i wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be true :grimacing:

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by firing 800 more staff.


First of all, you cannot lose something you do not currently have. Sales of Classic, subs for Classic, store mounts and coins and game services, are all potential FUTURE revenue. They don’t have it, they can’t quantify something they don’t have, they can’t “lose” what they don’t have.

Any revenue generated by Classic will be on top of what they’re getting now. Right now, they’re getting nothing from Classic. This notion of “lost” future revenue is corporate-speak to distract the Board and shareholders from the amount of money going into the CEO’s pockets.

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IIRC, classic will be included in the current WoW subscription.

That said, I expect most people to only play it for a few weeks and then return to regular WoW (if they intend on keep their subs). Classic was fun in '04 but barely passable in '19. I had over 100 days of play time at 60, and no intents of going back and playing that same tired content again.


I don’t plan on touching classic. But it likely will bring people back and all in all provide revenue for live as well since they’re linked and both playable by the sub.

Someone bored of Classic can go play live, and vice versa. It’s more engaging and I think players would stick around longer if they enjoy it.

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