Revenue Loss from Classic WoW

I smell a troll replying to their own post. Same achievement points ?

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Good for you? I don’t know what you’re getting so buttblasted about. Server relationships were so incestuous in Vanilla that you would know the play schedule of people that weren’t even on your faction. You knew who the people going for HWL were, you knew all the raid guilds and their members, there was so much drama it could not be contained by server forums and spilled out on to server IRCs. Couples who met back then are married now. It was a completely different dynamic.

See, Hwi, the picture these people painted was very different from yours…and did I add I am referring to people from what…six…seven different servers?

So…looks like maybe you are being a little…shall we say…positive in your thinking?

A lot of people look back at Vanilla, and “community” was not a word they ever used.

I don’t know how you have such a strong opinion having never played it yourself.

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Convenience is a pretty big thing for people who have limited time to play. The only people I can see playing classic any length of time are people in life situations that allow them to play a lot of hours a day.

I don’t see an issue. The game has evolved over time and I’d be willing to bet that the majority of players would be unhappy if they removed all of the enhancements that have been made to the game or even those made in the last 8 years.

I believe that there have been, and continue to be, many Blizzard employees that are passionate about the game. I also believe that Blizzard has always been a “for profit” company that tries to make as much money as possible.

With the increased competition in the gaming space it is critical for gaming companies to evolve or risk becoming irrelavent. That includes becoming more efficient. Have the gaming world, technology, and gamers changed over time? Absolutely and any company that hasn’t evolved over the past 14 years is probably no longer around or has been relagated to a very small niche.

Brought to you buy the company that failed to see what was happening in the mobile market and then rushed in to buy candy crush saga for $6 billion, then bought another failing game and is re skinning it as diablo immortal. Then told their base fans that they are headed to mobile…even though the starting gun was fired years ago. After getting record profits they sacked 800 people as a valentines present. I want classic but do not kid yourself that this company has any clue what they are doing right now.

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I don’t know how you have such a strong opinion having never played it yourself.

Dont have to, in order to make a comparison between old and new.

also some conviences I see needed not only for limited time. But also enjoyability.

Likes mogs. Or classics lack of them. I have seen pictures of leveling chars in classic wow. Its like my little pony threw up on mad max. Mixed armours styles scraped up from whatever you find in all the colors of the rainbow.

Looking mean there Mr. orc. pink shoulders, purple pants and an orange chest item…how can you be an angry orc when wearing so many colors known to improve mood? Or are you angry since you look so bad…?

I will make you the same offer.

Take that list from above and you tell me whats worse about it.

Well, you are welcome to believe whatever you want. Vanilla through WotLK was an amazing experience and I met so many people I still have relationships with today. I’m sorry you didn’t get to play it.


The idea that I can’t even ride a horse until lvl 40 is enough to make me not even want to try it. Those first 20 lvls live just kill me with the slow pace.

The idea of the $15 a month counting towards both versions is that it hopes to bring players back into the fold increasing revenue overall.

Hypothetical: If WoW subs increase by 1.5 million just to play classic alone WoW as a whole wins, more money to hopefully funnel back into development (laugh here this wont happen funneling cash back in).

So unless the current 0-X(we don’t know how many subs there is) million or so active WoW subscribers doesn’t increase when classic comes out then we have a revenue loss and we are unlikely to see legacy Servers be expanded upon for TBC or WOTLK and we all lose.

I can tell you right now, fans of classic, the ones that’ll spend months, even years playing, are definitely not buying and paying for micro-transactions on retail. The whole reason for Classic is to get away from that garbage. Learn to think critically.

I’m sorry you didn’t get to play it.

Im not. Doesnt worry me in the least. One thing I have always accentuated: priorities.

A matters more than B or C…so attend to A first. Z can wait until the sun explodes.

In 04 I had responsibilities and “challenges” that make a computer game pale into utter insignificance…which is where it belongs. Its a game.

Thats all it is, and thats all it will ever be.

Its not even out yet, its lucky for us you have massive data on active subs, marketing etc to determine thats its going to run at a loss.

I play retail, and I don’t pay for micro-transations.

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With the cancellation of the E-sports and cuts to other areas. What happens if they decide that adding vanilla servers isn’t gonna be profitable? Remember they just cut alot of staff at blizz hq. There’s also still no release date for vanilla either. Also with subs in decline theres no telling even if they add vanilla if it would generate the desired amount of income they want. It’s been a while since they announced it. Wouldn’t get hopes up with cuts happening.
They scrapped titan , they could do the same with vanilla.

I don’t “pay” for micro transactions either, I just buy WoW tokens with gold if I want something from the shop.

I honestly don’t even do this, I still pay for gametime on a monthly bases.

If transfers are considered micro-transations I can’t say I have never paid for one.