Revendreth short

Suramar 2.0

Boring. Only Garrosh was the interesting bit.


and he didnt exactly do anything aside from being bled dry as their “workhorse”

Why not spice up Eternity with a little intrigue, every now and then?


Well it does signify that he’s pretty much unbroken and unwilling to admit he did anything wrong.

I like that.


In the background context during this questline that ends with this quest

The Shadowmoon Clan Orcs under Gul’dan’s direction are excavating the statues from the side of the mountain.

lol they’re all gonna start now

You’re boring


man y’all are boring as hell


Interesting. Not as good as Ardenweld or Bastion for sure, but still better than Maldraxxus by a country mile. Denarius comes off as a sleazy corrupt politician and I dig it. Everything at the beginning seems great, but as layers are peeled back you see how screwed Revendreth really is.

On the bright side, Garrosh has not zugged his last zug. That’s what’s important here.



I’m indifferent here.
It was better than Maldraxxus and it was actually rather insightfull for me to show me what Ravendrath actually is. That it is a whole uhm civilisation in itself rather than like Bastion some kind of corporation.

It was also interesting to see that the pride and powerfull, the destroyers, tyrants and brute end up being reduced to literal cattle.
This puts a smile on my face seeing Garrosh being basically a cow that is milked, dehumanized and experiencingg the worst possible fate: factory farming.

But on the other hand, there was no clear focus for me. Not enough to portrait Ravendreth and its citizen properly, but also not enough focus on the convicted souls and their suffering to have the investment of the watcher here.

The cinematic and the zone has its potential but it lacked something, some big oompf factor.

Still: I like seeing you burning in hell Garrosh.


Just what I said, under torture you either double down and die or tell whatever your torturers want to hear, in this case seems like the torturers doesn’t want anything but the anima from him, to me all covenants look like a corrupted machine


to be fair, they are. the system is horribly flawed


If the Vanthyr become playable are they gonna have a weakness to sunlight?

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I am actually confused as to why they don’t just come out and call them vampires. That is clearly what they are, and it is not like the term ‘vampire’ has a trademark on it or something.


That’s probably Garrosh’s first flaw. Can’t admit he’s done wrong. In his Pov, everything was justified. He even placed his wrongdoings on Thrall before he was zapped.

They’ll be milking him for a while.

I have to admit, that was the only part that interested me. The first short was good because uther and Arthas was in it. Most people barely know Draka and Ursoc is from a relatively recent raid.

The only thing that draws me is the stuff I’m familiar with… I don’t care about the dread lord vampire that looks like an elf for some reason. I liked Garrosh… but all he did was scream. He should’ve had some dialogue to hype us for what’s coming.

Also, they spend all this time making a Victorian setting for an otherworldly people… when the worgen should have capitalized on it years ago. It’s gone untouched since cataclysm.


Oh and he’s in hell too! Ha!

I just have one question:

If this Orc is Garrosh, how he’s soul has made to “our” Shadowlands if he died on an alternate universe?

Does the souls of the original timeline goes to the original Shadowlands, besides dying somewhere else? Because if that is the case, so Maraad, Admiral Taylor and Baros Alexston should be there also, for example…


I don’t see any commentary about the statue in that quest. It doesn’t look excavated so much as sloppily propped up there.

I thought it was good. Not great, but still good.

It is very “Garrosh”.

Well, he is from the MU. And there’s only one Shadowlands.

We know for a fact, that there’s a single Shadowlands for all worlds. So it doesn’t matter where you die.

Yeah, they are


I hope that they actually do something with Garrosh’s story in Revendreath, and that he isn’t just some throw-away cameo. That would be disappointing.

The NPCs are doing excavation animation when idle around the statues.

If you believe it wasn’t a breadcrumb Blizz casually placed for later development, that’s your prerogative. I believe that detail was intentional, given Gul’dan’s staff has deep ties to the Shadowlands.

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This appears to be the case. There are quite a few references made in Shadowlands to Draenor. One made by Anduin in the opening, and then in Maldraxxus, where we see that one of the Brokers have somehow acquired a Gorgrond Primal to fight in the Theater of Pain.

Maraad likely won’t be here, because the Draenei make a conscious effort to store the souls of their dead in Auchindoun.

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