Revantusk and Thorium Point

Level very slowly like blizzard intends and none of this will be an issue for you.

These hubs provide much needed zone diversity, and as Iā€™m sure has been stated already having the extra quests available when the majority of the population will be leveling is a much needed benefit.

Blizzard design content where the horde get shortchanged while alliance gets something they donā€™t? you must be new here

Not trolling, looking for source. You said reports, hoping thereā€™s an official post you can link to plz.

Just wanted to point out the original post is over a month old and the beta has been updated several times since this thread was made.

Interesting point nonetheless: The cloth quartermasters were added to the beta at some point :tada: :confetti_ball:

I would like to think that is a sign they are leaning toward including all of the 1.5 quests at launch (especially considering silithus quest npcs are still NOT in the beta), but we shall have to wait and see.