Revamping Silvermoon City

At SOME point, I think WoW could use a Cataclysm-style revamp of the world. And I think a lot of us would love to see Silvermoon City become an ACTUAL part of the world, as well.

It’s obviously wildly impractical to do right now, but should such a time ever come, I would love to pitch my own suggestions for a minor revamp of Silvermoon.

First off, I would eliminate the western wall, opening up the city to the left side as well, which currently serves as a minor questing area (there are only like 2-3 quests there as well, just relocate or remove them entirely).

I would then treat the Western side as the “Farstriders’ District” or something to that effect. Tall trees and buildings that are a little more run-down looking and reclaimed by nature. Nothing massively different, mostly just adding some NPC’s and removing most of the rubble.

Now, the first MAJOR addition would be “the Dead Scar”. Where the “gates” currently exist between the eastern and western halves of Silvermoon, I would add a bridge between the two. Underneath that bridge, however, I would have the Dead Scar treated as a “graveyard”, one that runs all the right through the center of Silvermoon, all the way to the shore.

Something like this.

My thinking is, it would serve as a cornerstone of the Blood Elf culture, that their loss should always remain a part of who they are. At the same time, transforming it into a beautifully melancholic memorial to the fallen. Maybe right where the Dead Scar meets the shore, some sort of monument or even a small pier where maybe they do “viking funerals” for those who die now, sending the newly-departed off on a boat and archers with flame arrows to burn them away in the distance.

Finally, on the newly-restored “Western side/Farstriders’ District” of Silvermoon, I might add a proper Harbor. My thinking is, Silvermoon City is positioned quite perfectly to be a major seaside port, and it would be an absolutely beautiful environment for a harbor of various elven ships, as well as boats to other important locations. Orgrimmar, Brill, Zul’dazar, you name it. In fact, maybe even a boat to Suramar (I would also love to see Suramar made a friendly capital one day).

Obviously this would all go pretty low on the list of priorities, but I feel like Silvermoon just holds a lot of potential. And I’d also love to just see more focus in actual world-building, personally.


With the war on portal accessibility, is it really worth it? Is there that many people in thunderbluff?


I just want to be able to fly, being grounded sucks.

Silvermoon is actually a pretty nice place to hang out, it would be nice to see it get an update.

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only way for it to get an upgraded if it was
1 a major city that people hanged around in like org
2. revamped in rebuild from the ground up

This would require quite a bit of work, as currently the city is basically a hollywood movie set, with only the parts people can walk to being built. If you look down from above at least half the structures are merely facades.

I thought they were going to revamp Orgrimmar in BFA with some of the hints, maybe carving out a port in the city, etc. but it’s still the same old boring dusbowl. I guess it’s better than vanilla Org.

If the dragon isles are supposed to be pretty close to silver moon, then it could be justified for some content.

Maybe they are getting hit by the primordial drakes or whatever the case may be and require some support.

Either way I would love to see an updated silvermoon


Invite the San’layn to join the Horde.

You have to Vamp Silvermoon City before you can Revamp Silvermoon City.


Ba-dum Tish.



How bout exodar then?

Apparently eight years have past in the time jump, that’s more than enough time after the BE questchain where we take back the Ghostlands from the Scourge, to being able to rebuild.

Well if they ever get the spaceship working, then I’d like to see it floating somewhere like dalaran

Maybe we use it someday to check up on sargeras and illidan

exodar is fully built


Blood Elves have long shown to have been looking for ways to heal the Dead Scar / test the soil etc.

If Blizzard truly is opening classes up for races a way to usher in Druid eventually may be w some connection story to healing the land.

And then of course I’d love to see this reflected in game / updated Quel’thalas for Horde and BE players.

Maybe at the same time seeing Gilneas updated for Worgen / Alliance players.

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I’m watching the video on mute with auto-generated captions and it’s hilarious bc it doesn’t know what Quel’Thalas and Azuremyst Isles are.

Here’s what it shows instead:
Wealth alas
Astra mist isles
Thermos aisles
12 the last
Quell phallus
Answer miss tiles
Streamer styles
Quell fellas
Ceramist isles
Answer new styles
Quail fellas
Quad villas
Astra nice tiles

Notable mentions: Teldrassil is tell dressin, and Blizzard is Blister and Blazer lol


I hope every city at some point gets revamped and/or has flying added if it doesn’t.

Thought, I’m guessing Silvermoon City would look absolutely terrible if flying was added… so it needs a revamp same with exodar.

But for the love of all that is holy, ADD FLYING.

I like these ideas actually.

Blizzard should show some love to the races that either don’t have a city or have a horribly outdated city that needs improvement and also flying.

Been hoping for revamped Silvermoon for a while too. I think the team wants to do it, but needs justification to do so. During BfA’s development there was datamined evidence of a planned Silvermoon warfront which would’ve served that purpose nicely, but that was evidently canned.

There’s also evidence that they had intended to make Eversong+Ghostlands flyable in Cataclysm too, because in Eversong the giant troll gates of Tor’Watha that were just a facade glued to a mountain got removed in Cata, presumably because it would’ve looked stupid from the air, but that planned revamp was also obviously canned.

I don’t agree with that at all. “New” org might be higher polygon but aesthetically it’s so much more ugly and unpleasant. Vanilla org felt warm and lived in, new org feels like a smoggy soulless war machine. I would much prefer that any further Org revamps take more inspiration from the original.


To make the entire thing easier, I’d put flying in Eversong and Ghostlands, where few visual fixes would be required. Then for Silvermoon City, cover it with an arcane dome like old Dalaran that can’t be flown through.

I can handle not flying in the city, but Eversong is too beautiful not to be flown.