Revamping Silvermoon City

That could work, but I’d hope the dome is transparent or invisible while in Silvermoon itself, because I think the city would suffer a lot from not having the sun and clear skies visible.

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That the city is almost entirely superficial is quite appropriate. I say leave it be.

They would have to put silvermoon as part of the world OR at least add flying there.

Otherwise it’s DOA

Still can’t fly in the maw or korthia for an unknown reason. I doubt they will change much.

I think that would work, though you could have all kinds of magic projections on it as well. Or a reflection of the city itself (with the missing spots filled).

It should have happened in Cataclysm, however Blizzard decided to repeat the same mistake they made in TBC again which created more work they will have to do to revamp it.


Well, I keep hoping that perhaps EVENTUALLY, we’ll get a proper world revamp. Nothing insane or anything, more of just “an general update” to the world, maybe fixing some zones or reworking some quests (ideally, less “phasing” in general), but yes, hopefully they could work the Exodar and Quel’thalas into the actual WORLD, instead of being instanced completely separately.

In fact, the Exodar and Azuremyst Isle specifically could do with a complete transformation. Maybe give them actual settlements there, with more of a Turkish or middle-eastern flair to their architecture? It could really help distinguish them from the Lightforged as well, since the latter might hold more strictly to the Naaru-designed ships and whatnot.

I’m hyped for a Silvermoon Revamp plus the continuation of the story of Quel’Thalas. Here comes my blood elf army :smiley:


Agreed, the idea of returning sounds awesome – and in the Q&A they just did, it sounds like it will actually all be part of the world again (no load-screen), which would be AWESOME!

I definitely love the whole aesthetic of Eversong Woods, so I hope it doesn’t change too much. Silvermoon City is still one of my favorite areas in the game, but I’d love the idea of it being expanded a bit, or more really just being “opened up” between the two former halves of the city.

Would also be cool if they build the towers up a lot more, as the original intention had been lots of translocation orbs to move around, which is still a cool concept.



My favorite zone and race will finally be apart of the world again and it will look wonderful from the plaquelands.

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I hope the void encroachment visual is limited to quel’danas and say half of the sea separating it from the rest of the kingdom because it would suck to finally have quel’thalas truly on the map only to forever be shrouded in shadow.

Make the sunwell threat look real and menacing set AGAINST the shining city to the south

(And let the Nightborne teach their cousins how to live a life without wells. If it’s not trees it’s wells. Elves, we gotta get our crap together)

I love Silvermoon I still go there quite a bit for my basic stuff. Especially on my elves. Like if i need to ah and do a lot of bank/guild stuff (usually dealing with sorting and getting rid of garbage) it takes up a bit of time, so I probably spend quite a bit of time there when I am there. I think the only bummer is there is no transmog station there, no barber, limited portal room. I think if these items were placed there, it might become more lively again even without a full revamp. Tbh i kinda wish they would treat all the major cities a little bit better by at least placing those npcs and portals in. Or at least a direct portal to the portal room in org.

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bro if you’re gonna be an elf in wow, being a crack elf is kind of required

I mean I know. They’re all addicted to SOMETHING

To be honest, I’d nearly forgotten the reason we’ll be going back to the region being the Void threat.

I agree wholeheartedly, though. I want to see the region in its prime, and maybe had the “Void threat” more as a temporary shift? Maybe along the lines of Oribos, where it gradually gets darker over time, but then is “cleansed” sort of at the end?