I seek to start anew upon the shores of Wyrmrest Accord. I am a long time WoW player since the days of Classic and TBC. I like to do all sorts of content but I am mostly seeking a friendly guild that RPs, works together and likes to help one another. I have yet to find a good guild / realm where players actually work with one another and do things together. I just want a nice place that puts the MM in MMORPG.
It seems now a days there are many guilds where they just abandon their guildees or rarely do things as a group. I’d like a nice guild that gets together, does dungeons, raids, PvPs and RPs together. An active fun chat (maybe even Discord if you have one) and great community. If you all happen to know of one here on Wyrmrest Accord, or are looking yourself, please feel free to drop me a line and chat (Discord or Bnet#) with me.
Thank you for your time. I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay safe out there and watch out for those quillboar.
Welcome back!
I can’t speak for the other wonderful guilds on our server, but I know Shattered Axe Coalition is looking to grow and create the kind of community that you are looking for!
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Whom may I speak with and is there a Discord or Bnet# I can add to talk to someone before diving into the pool? I always like to make sure it’s a great fit before I join. Thank you for replying to me here and posting. I truly appreciate it.
Sure! You can whisper me at Cagrekk (I’m online right now)! Cagrekk#1189
Welcome back, Glacialhoof!
First off, welcome back to the game! It’s always cool to see long-term players returning.
If you’re looking for folks to play with (and RP if thats your thing) I would suggest you stop by the Wyrmrest Community Project discord. We recently hit 800 members, and its a great place to network, find a new guild, or get into RP if you wish.
If nothing else, stop by and say hi, and visit the guild recruitment section of the discord!
Good luck and again, welcome back!
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Welcome back, Glacialhoof! Hope you enjoy Dragonflight and find a guild that suits you 
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Do not recite the magic to me witch! I was there when it was written!..how I feel usually. Still looking into possible guilds. Looked into 1 but wasn’t quite what I expected and other issues I didn’t agree with. Hoping to find a good one. I’ll try the Discord server out.
Know any guild tailors that can make it suit me?..I will see myself out…
So far this has been the only nice realm to reply back and post to me even over Moon Guard…is MG toxic now too?
Edit 1:
Did this and such but still no guilds who have invited me sadly.