Returning unholy DK LF 8pm PST guild

Hello. I am a returning player who last played in Legion before having to take a break during all of BFA for IRL reasons. I came back to the game a couple of weeks ago find myself basically knowing noone. While I have been a mythic raider throughout most of WoW (even before mythic was a thing), nowadays I am looking to raid more casually, but am still interested in progressing as much as possible. Specifically, am looking for a 8pm PST guild, preferably including Tuesdays as a raid night. Willing to put in the work gearing up in M+ of course, as I did a lot of keys back in Legion. Overall, looking to enjoy my experience in WoW in my more limited schedule.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you. Bnet tag is lobstertail#1246

What about 9 PM and 2 hours vs 8 PM and 3?

Hi there, check us out and let me know if we might be a fit.

Illicit [Team Pandora] on Proudmoore (AOTC raiding Fri/Sat 9pm-12am PT) is currently recruiting for the following core raid spots:

Heals: Disc Priest
DPS: Currently accepting all classes with a high priority for a mage and a warrior

Our team is retooling after a break as we had a few members leave the game due to RL situations. We are 3/10H. If you are a friendly, dedicated team player that can consistently make our raid times, and look to make continuous improvement, we would be a great raid team for you.

Respond here with your Btag info or contact Torrez, Eventus, Shaytan, or Spookala in game for more info.