Returning to Maelstrom

Is there a way to get back into the Maelstrom? There’s a mace I want to get on my shammy for transmorg but I can’t for the life of me find anyway to get there. From what I read, it’s part of a class specific quest? The NPC is Flamesmith Lanying, but I didnt’ play that xpac so I don’t know if it’s possible to go back.

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You mean the Legion class hall? It has a portal to the Maelstrom in Dalaran, next to the flight path.

If you haven’t done any of the quest, do the introductory legion quest. It should be titled assault on the broken shore and can be picked up from the hero command board.


I’ve gotten the little NPC in Legion dalaran to bring me to Thrall, but there seems to be no specific continuation from there? I guess I’ll just continue Khadgars quests for a bit and hop I get that portal.

There should be quests involving thrall bringing you up to the maelstrom and deepholm. Here is the quest chain: see if you can follow it and piece together a possibility you missed something?

Also check the comments, one of them mentions the shaman class hall questchain might be bugged and they link to this thread:

It seems like you might need to do the legion intro quest first, have you done that already?

I appear to be on some shammy specific questing, hopefully I’m on the right track!

edit: It appears Thrall no longer gives the quest so the portal to Maelstrom no longer appears =[

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I’m having the same problem. I heart her back to storm wind and didn’t complete the quest for the portal and now I’m stuck trying to figure out how to get back to maelstrom so if anyone can help me out that would be awesome!

If you didn’t complete the quest and it is still in your quest log, you can drop the quest and then return to the spot where you picked it up. From there you’ll be able to reacquire the quest and get back to where you were like normal.

If that’s not what you mean by “didn’t complete”, you’ll have to give me some more info to go on.

ty dude you are the best :wink:

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