Returning Rogue looking for a home

Hi Ninetimes!

I will post our guild’s info below, but please add me on Discord and we can chat further! I’ll shoot you an invite to our Discord server and you can get a good feel for our environment. :smiley:

[H/A] Thrall - <Key Me> M+ Key Guild looking for people to smash keys

As of July 23, 2024, you may join guilds on any server with any faction.

Key Me is a M+ key guild and welcomes players of all skill levels. Our members run keys at every level. All officers and many veterans are happy to help new key-pushers learn their class/spec and dungeon mechanics, as well as group up with high io players to push keys as high as possible. Many of our members achieve 3k+ each season, while others run keys with their guildmates and make new friends in pick up groups.

We have three weekly M+ guild events and our guild chat is frequently filled with members linking their keys for guildies to run. Additionally, we will have one weekly AOTC raid night in TWW for anyone interested.

We are extremely active both in-game and in Discord, so we are a great fit for people who want a social guild, as well. :slight_smile:

Please message Throkka (Discord: Kejhix) or Curate (Discord: Lomilas) if this sounds like the environment you’re looking for!