Hello recruitment forums! I am currently looking at maining a Prot Warrior for DF but am willing to switch to any tank class. I mained a Blood Dk from Firelands to HFC and cleared everything I cleared on the Blood DK as a main alt with a Prot Warrior Firelands through ToT and then a Brewmaster from Siege - HFC. I will admit, that the only DPS specs I consider myself proficient at are Fury, Arms, and Frost so If I play anything other than DK or Warrior DPSing on one tank fights will be a learning experience.
I have a very busy life, so I am looking for a one day a week guild but if the times are right, I would consider a two-day guild. My job is pretty good about making sure you get one requested day off every week so I would just take the one day off. There will be weeks that I don't log except to raid but unless there is an extreme, emergency once I am committed to the guild and the times I will always be there for raid.
I have played since mid BC, started raiding in Wrath, got 8/8 Heroic DS and left to start a semi casual guild that would I guess be considered AOTC criteria by current standards and left near the end of WOD to pursue real life. Lately I've just been missing the sensation of working as a team to build strat and progress through fights so here I am.