Returning player ret Pally

Hello everyone,

my guild has decided to not raid this tier due to losing players. We left off at Mythic remnant of Nerzhul.
I am looking for a new raiding guild, with mythic aspirations.

I can: DPS competitively. My logs are available on warcraftlogs
I can tank decently well. I mostly do dungeon at the 20 Mythic level.
I am available Tuesdays to Fridays 6 server to 11 server time.
I have all covenants maxed out. I collect achievements.
I can fund all my enchants, consumables, etc…

For some personal info, I am 37 years old, work a traditional 9-5 m-f. I have been playing wow since vanilla, not continually.


My character name is Maite from server Sargeras
Battletag: Maite#11669

Hi Maite, I’m an Officer in an Alliance Guild on Sargeras named Animosity. We’re an AOTC guild that intends to get Mythic kills in Sepulcher. If you’re still looking for a place to land, hit me up on battle chat and we can talk about it.

Armory Link Link

Battletag: Piratejimm#11957

Our guild Sanctimonious of Sargeras is recruiting for mythic raiding. We were 8/10M in SoD and we raid Tues/Thurs 7:45-11:30pm eastern. If this sounds interesting to you please contact me on discord. Sophieann#2492