Returning player, missing character

Hi. I’ve just returned after a few years off and my entire account is perfect, except 1 character is missing, my very first toon. Hunter named Jaztok on my home realm Cho’gall. I can see him in the armory, I can’t make a new toon with that name so I know he’s still out there somewhere, but he’s not in my character list.

What gives?

Do you have a single WoW license

I’ve never owned another account, if that’s what you’re getting at.

Easiest solution is to create a lvl one toon on the realm to refresh the toon list if youve been gone lo g enough hell be at a reduced lvl due to a lvl squish.

I find a character by that name/realm.

He’s a troll - but a priest - on another account.

I don’t see anything by that name on this license, not even renamed or deleted.


Well that saddens me.

Are you sure there is no supercedeing database fault or some other reason he’s gone? He was my first toon, 2009ish. Last played during Cata, guild name was Venomous. I definitely didn’t hallucinate leveling him.

Can you post the URL to the Armory link you say you see?

You will probably need to type it as NOT a URL

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It seems that one I saw wasn’t actually me, with further exploration. Level 45 and active 2024, so it can’t be.

Now I’m really lost. Though the armory does say it doesn’t show wow classic characters, maybe he got shoved there? Idk. :cry:

This is a link to a wowhead post I made about this character and I linked the armory, at the time.

Retail characters do not crossover to Classic and vice versa.


So… is there nothing that can be done here? I find it pretty hard to believe there’s no evidence of my first toon ever.

Assuming you played during and stopped at Cata, your hunter would be level 35 now. Do you have one of those?

There is an orc hunter named Frikin, level 31. I vaguely recall making this name but I’ve never done a race change.

If the character you are referring to hasn’t been logged into for some time, it wouldn’t show up on the Armory. A Modern character couldn’t be shoved onto Classic, that would be impossible.

The oldest character on what looks to be your original WoW license is the level 31 Orc Hunter on Cho’gall, which was created in 2009. This is my guess as to what is happening here.

First, if you hadn’t been active for 2+ expansions the character likely would have been flagged for a rename (which is something we originally did when the rename system was implemented - it now only flags if it qualifies for a rename and someone attempts to claim it).

So my guess is that you at some point may logged into that character after the flag was applied, been prompted to select a new name and picked what it has now.

Second, there was a level squish when Shadowlands came out, so if your character was level 80-81, it would have been squished to level 30. Which seems to line up with your Hunter’s current level.

Does all that make sense?


Yes thank you, everything except the race. He was a troll. Any chance of a free race change?

No, that isn’t something that Blizzard does upon request.

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You just missed out on a sale that’s been up for a bit. But they don’t offer free race changes. That, you’ll have to purchase.

I’ve never known a character to spontaneously change races, so it is possible that the character is not the one you recall. I can only give a theory on what may have happened.

If that isn’t the same Hunter, then the only other reason it isn’t available anymore is that after the squish you may have deleted that Troll Hunter. Since it would have been under level 50 it would have eventually been purged from the deleted list.

The best I can tell you is that level 31 Orc Hunter was created in 2009 and it is the oldest on the account.

… Looking further into the notes, it does seem that Hunter, with that name, existed back in 2009. I don’t see any character with the name Jaztok mentioned in any of the notes and it does look like there was an account compromise in 2010 in which the Orc Hunter and a few other characters were restored.


Well, I mean… I didn’t change the race. They did.

Had you recovered the account shortly after the compromise, they probably would have been willing to comp you a race change. But at this point it’s been 14+ years.

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Thank you for your efforts here. I got hit in the head 5 years ago and I’m struggling to recall things… Especially before the hit. Something went fishy but idk what. I guess I’ll race change the orc.