Haven’t played the game much since WoD but did get AOTC for the first tier and raided some mythic.
Don’t mind playing either horde or alliance and have toons on illidan and stormrage and can play other servers if i can find a good match.
Looking to raid heroic then jumping into mythic after and seeing how far we can get. Mythic+ dungeons seem fun as they are something new since i last played.
Preferred raid times would be any time after 9pm est to 12-2 am est.
Mainly played a Hunter back then but I’m interested in playing a few different things in shadowlands such as warlock and warrior.
We are a new guild of long term raiders and friends Looking to fill out our roster for shadowlands and beyond. We are currently Looking for Like minded raiders that are willing to push good content while in a relaxed setting. Raid leaders / Officers have gained multiple times in the past AOTC and some mythic content. The end goal with raiding is currently AOTC with mythic asperations. We are also a social guild planning to do old content runs, mount farming and high keys on non-raid nights.
Planned raid times - Wed/Fri 8-11PM Server (9-12PM EST)
Please contact via bnet, or discord below.
(Officer)Robowizard#11285 or Discord exothermic#8002. (GM)Zulburn#1912 or Discord Lando#8568
Hey Kénic,
It seems like you might be a good fit for my guild. I’m with the guild Déjà Vu on Thrall (H). We’re a semi-casual mythic raiding guild looking for more core raiders for Shadowlands. We raid Tuesdays and Saturadays from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm est. We also have Mythic+ players of various skill levels, from brand new to 3-4k io.
Feel free to contact me with any questions on bnet (Templaart#1155) or Discord (Templaart#8716).
Hello Kenic!
You sound like the type of raider we are looking for! We are a new guild that is looking to get into heroic/mythic progression. All of our current raiders have 12/12H and/or some kind of mythic experience. We are trying to develop a team that loves to raid with each other, while progressing as far as we can. Most of our raiders actively push keys as well. Most of our raiders like pushing keys as well!
Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am cst.
If you have any questions or if you are interested, please let me know!
-Discord: Tano#7981
-Btag: Caseclosed#11853
Our raid times fit you perfectly, and we may be a good place for you to jump in and get back into the raiding scene - look at our copypasta and send me a discord message (or just hop in our discord if you prefer) and we can go from there!
Guild Name: Army of Darkness
Faction: Horde
Gaming Style: PvE (Focus on M+ and Heroic Raiding, no plans for mythic currently!)
Raiding Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Raiding Times: 8-11 PM Server Time (6-9 PST, 9-12 EST, 2-5 UTC)
About us:
We’re a laid back group of gamers who’ve been around the WoW scene for awhile. We’ve done Mythic in the past but haven’t got the time to invest in that now as we have full time jobs, families, etc. We still want to do the content though and enjoy ourselves, so that means Heroic raiding and Mythic Plus! We dabble in other content as well, such as Arena/BGs, but this is not a primary focus.
If you want to get into a good group that can be laid back and fun, then we’d be glad to have you. Jump in our discord or send me a friend request and we’ll see if you’d be a good fit!
Contact: Aridhol#4421 on Discord or Aridhol#1811 on Battle.net
Discord Server code: bPMT7rF
<< Demise >> US - Sargeras
Tuesday and Thursday
Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.
Our core raiders are expected to always be prepared:
- Have knowledge of boss encounters heading into first week’s pulls, etc.
- Be prepared with flasks, pots, and feasts at all times. (We often provide them anyways but good habit to have)
- Show up several minutes early to raid nights and be prepared to clear trash and start right on the dot.
- Be open to feedback and improving your performance when necessary (bad nights happen, we understand!)
We just want to give a very clear expectation of what we expect from our team and our wow friends in the guild. We’re raiders with a common goal. Kill bosses and have fun doing it 
We are currently recruiting all classes and specs to finish rounding out our core, spots will be competitive and everyone will have a fair chance to earn their right to raid.
I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions. Hoping to give many of you the best guild/home you’ve ever been a part of! 
Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon
[A][US][Aerie-Peak]< Crimson Royals > are now recruiting! We’re a friendly guild of players who are looking to challenge ourselves and improve against high-level Shadowlands content, such as raids and Mythic+ dungeons. Come and join us if you would like to pit yourself against the best the game has to offer! Our raiding times are Thurs/Sat 9:00pm - 12:00am EST, and we’re open to players of all skill levels who are looking for a challenge!
We are currently looking for 1 DH dps and 5 ranged dps.
Apply at our website https://crimson-royals.enjin.com/
add me on discord: lala#0869
or on BTAG: lala#12407
Hey Kenic,
Our guild is newer to Area-52. We transferred to play with a bunch of friends of our friends. Most of us are veteran raiders who raided at a Mythic level. The guild community is 21+. We always clear AOTC in a reasonable timeframe, and will be running mythic once we have cleared AOTC. We plan on raiding a little later at nights running from:
Tu/Th - 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 PM EST
We are currently full on tanks, but are recruiting the following:
Ranged DPS - Need
Melee DPS - Need
Currently 12/12 H and 3/12 M
We try to keep an active community that runs more than just raids. We plan on running raids, mythic + keys, rated battlegrounds, and arenas.
If you are interested in our guild, or would like more information please message Axial #1159 on BNET
Hello there Kénic, it looks like your desired raid time line up perfectly with ours. We’re currently looking for both ranged and melee DPS so please check us out and see if you think we’d be a good fit for you.
Hey Kénic,
your raiding availability and your DPSing preference work out well. We are AOTC focused and may hit mythic depending on interest at the time. We are also horde, but we are located on Thrall.
see the recruitment post for more info & contact info: [H][Thrall]Casual Progression raiding guild <Bruhalla>
Good luck!
Howdy! We’re recruiting so I hope you consider our offer.
Game Over (Proudmoore) is recruiting for a NEW Monday night raid team! We’re looking to fill a roster of dedicated returning players to clear heroic in a casual and laid back environment-- one night a week. Our sch will be Mondays, 8-11PM EST.
-> Right now we are in need of tanks and DPS.
Just a little background about us.

We have several raid teams that raid each week and regularly clear mythic content. There’s always a group doing something. Additionally, we have a Discord community we’d love to also invite you to! We have contests, memes, and much more.
Add my Discord to discuss further, I’d be happy to chat! FemaleWario#0748
(If you’d prefer Battle.net, by battle tag is FemaleWario#1119.)
Our Alliance guild on Emerald Dream is recruiting for SL, and they have AOTC and CE experience in multiple tiers.
Our Mythic raid times are Wednesday and Friday 8-11 PM Server/Central time.
Right now we are looking for a ranged dps, a healer, or a tank. Please see the link below for the full spam, as well as the application. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Recruitment Officer (me):
Discord- VeloursNoir#3455 Bnet- VeloursNoir#1259
h ttps://forms.gle/JX1L9AjGiH1gyoU88
Horde Hyjal guild, 12 year legacy, PST timezone, 1 raid night per week
Raiding Information:
Raid Days: Saturday (Optional Sunday)
Raid Times: 7pm-11pm PST // 8pm-12pm MST // 9pm-1am CST // 10pm-2am EST
Current Progress: Fresh Team (Core members are 12/12M)
[www.wowprogress. com/guild/us/hyjal/Who+Is+John+Galt]
Previous Progression:
Battle for Azeroth: Uldir 6/8M || BoD 6/9M || 2/2 H CoS || EP 5/8M
Legion: Emerald Nightmare 4/7M, Nighthold 5/10M, Trial of Valor 3/3H, Tomb of Sargeras 5/9M, Antorus, the Burning Throne, 10/11M
About Us:
- We are focused on Mythic Progression Content, shooting for Cutting Edge. We are comprised of working professionals and value our raiders’ times. Raid begins and ends at the time stated.
- Some preparation for raid must be done prior to raid. Potions/Gems/Enchants/Etc. Food and Flasks are provided from weekly deposits. Guild repairs are provided for weekly deposit turn ins.
- We are active outside of raid, participating in several off night (optional) runs, such as m+, Glory of the Hero/Raider, fishing contests, and other games.
Recruitment Needs:
Bnet Contact:
Dëlgalo – Delgalo#1485 – Recruitment Officer
Hi Kenic, welcome back! WoW seems to always have a way of sucking us back in, no? Have you found a home or team yet?
Here’s a tiny bit of background: discord community of 400+ focused on WoW with one guild on Horde-Illidan and one guild on Alliance-Sargeras. We have a few unique-led raid teams that range in difficulty. We like to welcome people that need a drama free home, mythic plus group, and/or a raid team. We are not a spam guild and prefer quality over quantity. I’ll drop some links below so you can get to know us better behind the scenes without any pressure.
Website: Envelop.gg
Bnet Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/haillidansargeras-envelop-multiple-teams-pve-community/605256
Discord: https://discord.gg/Envelop
You are more than welcome to stay in our discord and chat with us without joining the guild. If you have any questions, please message me on discord. Saph#7860
Thank you and good luck in Shadowlands my friends!
Hi there! I m in the process of building a new guild you might like!
Mission Statement: We have a great opportunity here to get in on the ground floor for a new community rebuild. We intend to be primarily raid focused, but at a more working-man/woman’s schedule and focus. We want to welcome with open arms anyone looking for a “Friday night with the guys/gals” type of atmosphere where friends come together for their bi-weekly game nights.
About our Leadership: Our guild is headed by 2 individuals with extensive leadership experience in both daily lives and inside World of Warcraft. We’re ready to make the game a great experience again. No drama is a must!
About our Guild: We strive to bring friendship and integrity to all things we do with one another in the guild; Kinship built through shared love of gaming & having fun with like-minded individuals. We recommend being someone who wants a laid-back atmosphere, looking to build a new, great guild with us.
Schedule: Tues/Fri (8PM-11PM CST)
3 Healers (My preference is folks whom can maintain other healers as well and/or play offspecs. This isn’t a requirement, but would be a welcome sight. Multi-purpose players kill bosses quicker!)
Lots of DPS (I’m in the market for a lot of DPS at this point. Please be someone that is open to playing whatever is best for each phase of content. I’m not looking to pester folks to make good comp decisions, so be someone who enjoys doing what’s best for each tier)
If you have any questions, please contact:
GM BNET: Ekye#11711
GM Discord: Ekyu#3966
Hi there Kenic!
Here at Lost in the Folds on Thrall we’ll be raiding Fri/Sat @10:30PM-2:00AM EST.
We’re pretty laid back but will be trying to progress mythic if we can 
If the times sound good and you’re interested, please feel free to hmu on my btag: Beaupeep#11607 to ask questions and see if you’d like to play with us.
Hi, Kenic! is currently recruiting. Below is a link to one of our recruitment posts. If interested, hit us up! Best of luck to you!
Amused is looking for a few more to fill out our roster for Heroic raiding, pushing Mythic + dungeons, and Torghast. Our guild has a significant amount of experience with raiding(mythic & heroic) and M+ key pushing. For Shadowlands we plan to raid Heroic casually to enjoy the game without the stress of min/max for mythic raids. The guild has been raiding together for over 5 years and we are always looking to make new friends!
Raid nights: Mondays & Thursdays 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST (5:00pm - 8:00pm PST)
Contact Romza-Zul’jin or Pewpeweyes-Zul’jin for questions in game or in our discord channel.