Returning player looking for weekend raiding guild

Just reached 80 on my first character in TWW.
I’m looking for a guild that raids during weekends. I would prefer to find a guild now before I start investing time into gearing up this rogue.

I have some experience raiding in MoP(mistweaver) and Legion(prot pally), and I don’t mind rerolling into a different class/role that fits better. I was 100% coaxed into playing paladin the last time I visited Azeroth, and it was fun being main tank for two different guilds… :slight_smile:

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Showing the wrong character somehow…

Hi Ayatane,

Echidna Huggers is looking for a rogue and/or demon hunter to join its amazing community and we raid on the weekends :smiley: Have a look at our recruitment post (it has contact btags in the original post) here. Look forward to chatting some more about your potential to join our community.