Echidna Huggers is a PvE guild of new, returning and experienced players that welcome any players for raiding, keys and social aspects of the game. Mature family friendly with fun filled banter we are currently recruiting for our current season and preparations for season 2 raid, keystones and delves.
We are looking for dedicated and loyal members to join our community. People who know their class and can bring that WoW factor to our runs.
Raid Time: Saturday nights 8:00pm - 11:30pm server time (aest)
(S1 content - 8/8N 7/8H)
(S2 content - 5/8N)
Focus - AoTC each new raid
Current roles needed:
Tanks - Full
Healers - Full
Melee - Full
Ranged - Warlock
Times: Monday Nights
Roles: All open
We also encourage social players to join as we will be incorporating fun filled events as the guild grows. This will include transmog, mount farming, transmog farming, timewalking raids and other fun and exciting events.
If you are interested please contact our recruiter below:
Recruitment (Pixi) Btag- pixipixi#1133 or Discord - pixi_player