Been away from the game seriously for many years, attempting to return again, but really struggling, This is my 3rd attempt to get back into WoW.
I’m AUTZ have Horde lvl 35 hunter and lvl 45 warlock, but completely lost. On Thaurissan.
Any mature AUTZ groups willing to help out an old player?
I’m unaware of what AUTZ is, so I’m probably not of that group. 
Feel free to post here any time you have questions. There are a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people that frequent the returning player forum to help people in your position. There hasn’t been a time I can remember that we haven’t been able to get somebody an answer, or at the very least point them to the place where they’ll be able to find the answer. We’re here to help if you need it!
AUTZ, refers to Australian Timezone, typically New Zealand and Australia
Ah, that makes sense, thanks! Either way the rest of my post stands, never be afraid to ask a question here. Troll factor is very low in Returning Player. 
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Under the recruitment section of these forums is a forum for oceanic guild recruitment.
I’ve put another post in there, however I tried that last time and was completely ignored. At that stage having LVL 100+(Now 35 & 45) characters and very little experience in the game other than some PVE quest expericence, means that guilds cant be bothered. It honestly makes for an extremely boring game.
Edit: sorry posted initially under my other character.
Try this thread if you’re searching for a guild. It’s a few years old so some of the older posts might be guilds that aren’t active anymore, but I’m sure there’s some on OCE realms in there that will be.
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Cheers will give it look over
I take it you only play OCE servers?
You should also try posting in OCE general forums, maybe someone will see you.
Also some guilds advertise themselves as social or new player friendly. You should message some guilds and ask for the vibe of the guild and ask if it won’t be a burden. My alliance guild is running mythics and is very social and open to all sorts of players.
Cheers yea I will look into the OCE general forums, Sorry I’m not sure what Mythics are? I’ve only ever done Quests, and abit of solo PVP playing around but never done raids etc.
Again thanks for the info.
Mythic is highest level of raiding. I was trying to say that even serious guilds sometimes are social and new player friendly.