Returning player looking for late night casual raiding guild

Been around WOW since the days of TBC. Mostly casual. this account has always been my main but I raided progressively on my girlfriends account awhile back. so I have some experience with high end raiding. not looking for that this time around. just a fun group to run some content with. I also would prefer a guild that does some group PVP together. I like to dabble in pvp for some much needed anger management :grin:

Hello I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing. It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN.
Please feel free to reach out or check out my post!

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Thanks for the reply! It sounds interesting but I was looking for something a lil later at night. I have a second job (for now) and I cant play till around 10pm eastern time on sundays. so unfortunately this would probably not be a good fit for me. I like the idea though as I am not looking to do mythic progression but would love to get AOTC