[NA]Aotc Andys one day a week raiding guild Sun 7-10PM MTN

TLDR Recruiting members for an AoTC focused guild that returns at the start of every season to achieve AoTC and get raid trinkets ect. Please feel free to read below for more indepth information and rules or message me via reddit.

We will be a one day a week guild raiding sundays at 7PM MTN for 3hrs or until heroic is cleared.

This guild is going to focus on getting AoTC at the start of every season. We will continue to run the raid every week until under 15 people sign up. Once that occurs we will put the core raid into hiatus until next season where we will start up again.

  1. What is the purpose of this style of play? Our core friend group likes to focus on mythic plus and swap to other games once the season dies down. However we still value clearing the content in a timely manner every season without pugging or guild hopping.
  2. What are the loot rules. We are doing free roles through all of normal. In heroic we will do a wishlist system. At the start of the tier/upon signing up you will send an officer your two bis trinkets. And your bis weapons. The wishlisted items will be looted by officers and the players on the wishlist will roll in chat and be awarded the item. Non trinkets and weapons will be free roll through the blizzard in game system, There will be advisory to be kind and considerate of other raid members. I.E if you’re going to catalyst a piece and another member would wear that piece as non catalyst it should be passed but there is no hard rule for this. Also no loot sharing if you are caught trading gear you won to another player without officer approval you will not be invited back

Hey there im a returning player who raided tbc-lk hoping back in to wow. Im a hpal currently 580 that is looking for a 1-2 day a week guild as my times of play are sporatic but i can set 1 day aside no problem to raid. I am also looking to focus on m+ and am intrested in joining.

Sounds great! We’re bulking out the roster so all roles welcome. Feel free to add my disc. nesbigbasher

Bumping my post we’re now at a solid 15+ players so looking for players with the intention of being prepared to start the opening week.

Bumping post once more to find any lost souls that need a sunday raid :slight_smile:

Hi - added you on discord. A few of my friends and I might be interested :slight_smile:

I have a few questions about the guild hit me up at _joeexotic on discord