Returning Player Looking For Guiild

Just a low-level undead shadow priest looking for a guild that has a casual approach above all. I am new to WoW RP, but do have the TRP addon and have engaged in a bit of light RP here and there.

Would love to have the opportunity to join a relaxed guild that I can both contribute to and learn from.


Well first off, welcome to the WoW RP scene!

As far as joining a guild, I highly recommend taking your time and shopping around. See who’s hanging out in game -especially in WrA-Horde RP hotspots like the Valley of Honor and Silvermoon- during the hours you’re most active.

Here’s a list of guilds recruiting. Part of the huge sticky at the top of the WrA forum.

And I’d be failing at my job if I didn’t get in a plug for my own guild home- Firebrand Enterprises!

We’ve been getting a couple of people who’re dipping their toes into RP as a way to stay engaged in WoW during the current content slump, and it’s been fun helping them learn the ropes!

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Tamanii has some great advice, as always. I have several deaders in different guilds, but I won’t propose them just yet, since I don’t know the direction you are taking with your character, and mine are quite various. But if you’d like some rp, I’d be happy to hang out with you. I’ll send you an in game mail later on when I’m online. I’m excited to see another Forsaken player! Welcome to undeath!

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