Former mythic raid tank (dk/ warrior) coming back to the game for shadow lands. Raided mythic in mists, warlords, and the first half of legion. Got burnt out on some toxic mythic raid drama bulls#*t and have been playing very casually since. Looking to get more active in game. In search of: fun, active, social guild- alliance only. Open to casual/ semi hardcore raiding , eastern standard time server preferred, week night schedule. Hit me up
Hi mate! If swapping to emerald Dream-alliance is a possibility, our guild junction would love to have you join us! There’s plenty to do in our guild, whether it’s pvp, mythic +, raids, transmog runs, or just socialize! I’ll post the guild info below and feel free to message me!
What you can expect from us as a guild:
- A sense of community and direction!
- Communication!
- Strong & passionate leadership!
- Overall friendly environment suited for all skill levels!
Currently, the raid team is 3/12M AOTC . We are looking for more members that would like to venture into mythic raiding. More specifically, we’re looking for the following;
- 1 main tank and off tank
- any Mythic minded DPS
While we’re happy to accept anyone, these are the roles we need specifically for our raid team at the moment. Current raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 7:30p-10:30p CST (server time)
We also do the following:
- PvP (BGs and Arenas)
- Mythic+ Pushing (+16’s and higher)
- Achievement Runs
- Old Raid Transmog Runs
- Alt Levelling
How to apply:
If you would like to apply and have any further inquiries/questions, please reach out to me via BattleTag: Professoroak#1732 or Discord: Elitefourlance#5703
We appreciate your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon
Hey there, see if we are a good fit!
Eternal Order | Alliance | Sargeras|
RAID TIMES: Thursday night at 9:00 pm EST
Our players are AOTC, CE, and mythic 15+ experienced
RECRUITING: 5 DPS + 5 HEALS (maybe 1 OT), for our raid team for Shadowlands!
Hey! We are players from the original release of WoW from 2004. We are a semi-hardcore guild that completes the content in a laid back environment while being serious-minded about progression. Mythic+ keys is something we love to do and are always looking for more players to run them with. Our guild is extremely social and we like to communicate with each other outside of raid times.
Our guild has adults 25-30+ with lives outside of World of Warcraft. Real-life comes first. We believe you can enjoy raiding without the constant activity outside of raid.
⦁ Players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun while still being focused on content completion.
⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!
⦁ Players that arrive raid ready with a strong ability to play their class, understand boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.
⦁ Gear Requirements: As this is the end of BFA, we currently have no gear restrictions to join
Awesome! Contact Brobøt (me) to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we are the home for you!
** Brobøt or Pìçklerick or Necronos (Recruitment Officer):**
BNET: Br4wn#1859
DISCORD: Brobot#8506
Hi there! Welcome back!
I think we may be that right balance you’re looking for. Hope you reach out!
Exalted with Jeeves | Alliance | Stormrage |
RAID TIMES: Tues & Wed - 8:00PM to 10:30PM CST.
12/12 H - Ny’alotha - AOTC
Greetings! We are a 5 year old raiding guild from Fizzcrank/Aggramar that moved to Stormrage in 2019. We are an AOTC-focused, non-hardcore guild that believes you can experience raiding/keys in a laid back environment. We take the player, not the class/spec. We enjoy a casual raid atmosphere while still being serious-minded about progression. Pushing Mythic+ keys is also something we love to do and are always looking for more people to run them with. Our guild family also likes to stay connected outside of game. Some of us are on Twitter, stream on Twitch, and do annual BlizzCon meetups.
Our guild is comprised mostly of busy adults who are 25-30+ with lives, families, school, jobs etc. Real-life comes first. Don’t have time to grind/research every min-max thing outside of raid? We feel you. We believe you can still enjoy raiding without the obligation for constant activity outside of raid.
⦁ Patient, friendly players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.
⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!
⦁ Exceptional players that arrive raid ready with an strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.
⦁ Gear Requirements: As we have achieved our end goal for the Tier, we are not presently raiding. Gear requirements being less important, we’re interested in connecting with individuals who fit our community and can stick with us for our next adventures!
Awesome! Contact either me (Allix), to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we would be a good fit for you! OR you can visit our guild website and apply so you can tell us more about yourself!
Aliix (Recruitment Officer):
BNET: Frozen#1269
DISCORD: Aliix#8268
Thanks, but I’m looking for eastern standard time zone. Best of luck
Hey Fionann!
Crimson Brotherhood is looking to add quality players to our raid roster. Check us out.
Bumping this thread
Hello, horde side on Thrall. We are recruiting in regards to Shadowlands raid content for weekday as well as our weekend raid team. We are AOTC guaranteed, Mythic progression, with heroic always on farm.
-Wednesday/Thursday: 10-1est.
-Looking to recruit for Heals, DPS and possibly Off-tank/DPS
-Hard progression, strict enviorment, Must meet requirments.
-Heroic -> Mythic
-Sunday/Monday 10pm-1am EST
-Looking to recruit anyone
-Laid back casual enviorment
-Normal -> Heroic
-Good Attendance barring Emergencies
-Fully enchanted , with personal food and proper pots for your class and spec
-A general understanding of raid bosses as we approach them
-Improving yourself thru world questing, reps, keys, etc…
-Good knowledge of your toon and spec, if need assistance this will be the player responsibility to seek this out.
-Cauldrons will be provided
The goal is to succeed as a team and progress thru content via communication,structure and continued improvement in and out of raid enviroments without the elitist mentality or attitude. We want to supply opportunities for the entry level raider with our weekday team as well progression raiding with our weekend team.
Please contact the following on Discord.
GM- AwesomeIsMatt#1304
Officer- Saraid#2102
Officer- Alfaro#7894
Still looking
Hey there!
We Burst Trash is a [H] Semi-Casual guild on Tich. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 5-8 PST or 8-11 EST!
Message me on discord for further information and a more in-depth coverage about our guild and who we were/are now!
Kodiak#1619 on discord, I look forward to hearing from you!