Returning Player Looking For A Family / Home

Greetings and Salutations,

I am a long time World of Warcraft player who has unfortunately lost all of their former guild mates, friends and is seeking to rebuild. I am able to fill any role, play all classes and I enjoy all aspects of the game. I do enjoy role playing and making new friends.

With that being said I am hoping to find a good guild, group of people and others to play with. I hope someone here will have me or knows of a place I could belong. I hope you all have a wonderful day.



Good luck and welcome back to WRA!

You are welcome to check us out, we are Vigilants of Tyr. We are an RP guild but folks do play other aspects of the game or other games. A lot of people are playing Monster Hunter right now.

Otherwise, OOC, we are an easy going group that have been playing together for years, some of us over a decade!!! Our discord is always active but in game chat does pick up during the evenings when we are most active in game. Most folks are on the older side and we all have jobs and kids and obligations, so no problem if folks have to miss events. I haven’t played in months!!

If we aren’t a good fit for your character, you’re still welcome to hang out in Discord with us. We have plenty of non-guilded friends in our server and like to chat about WoW and other games and w/e sillyness.

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Thank you both. I’m not super familiar with using Discord or how it all works. I tried joining some servers earlier and when I said hi all I got were cricket chirps. It’s not easy being an old orc.

Sometimes people are at work, so responses can be slow during the day.

Do you play goblin alts? I know my guild has an active guild chat (as in in-game guild chatting), and while our discord is highly used, you can actually talk to people while questing. The only thing is, we’re a goblin guild, so we tend to only recruit goblins for actual content. (don’t let the blood elf avatar fool you, I am playing a goblin this tier. These guys are so awesome I went from dracthyr to goblin just to raid with them lol.)

I can also dig around for some other guild recommendations, if goblins aren’t your speed.

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Heavy breathing intensifies

There’s…a Goblin Guild?..

My biggest thing is just having a tight knit group that won’t fold and every one leave halfway through the expansion like my last few have.

I enjoy meeting people, having fun and people just doing things together and getting to know one another (within reason of course we all have our private Batman secrets we can’t / don’t share).

I really enjoy RP, PvP (when with a group) and other PvE content I can solo (except raids of course) so the former 2 are the biggest for me.

You sure you’re not a Goblin in a Blood Elf suit though?

Yes, I’m in a goblin guild. I can post on my main to prove it. I’m even our tank for our all-goblin raid.

Quickfuse has been around for a bit, and Llugor, our guild leader, is a pretty active mover and shaker in the WrA community. Quickfuse is actually heavily involved in FLAK, the horde war-mode effort trying to push back against how many gosh darn Moon Guard people are sharded with us and thus combat the Alliance oversaturation. RP is also relatively frequent.

I’ve had a lot of fun with Quickfuse, even if it’s my secondary guild (my main one is the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe, which is much smaller than Quickfuse). Would recommend them if you like goblins :slight_smile:

Okay hear me out, character idea, an orc peon that got bonked so hard on the head. When he woke up the first thing he saw was a goblin and like baby birds, he now thinks he’s a goblin. Turns out he’s a good worker and a group of goblins made him an honorary goblin and if you disagree they’ll shank yah. Anyway I might do that lmao, that could be a fun character because I love orc peons.

My guild Alterac Valley Maniacs is a PvP guild which specializes in running premade epic battlegrounds. We run everyday from about 8:30 PM to 11:30 PM, CST and often later on the weekend. Why this is helpful? With a 75% win rate, you will obtain conquest points sooner while capping honor points weekly. When skipping regular battleground and EBG pugs, you reduce the amount of time wasted going up against other premades solo. This is very useful to getting into rated BGs sooner at which you will be able to collect crate gear once rating hits 1400. Moreover, one can use the initial HK PvP gear to start running heroics and LFR straight away; THIS effectively allows one to skip 2 tiers of progression on the road to Mythic raiding, if that also interest you.

I can not recommend RP guilds at point of reentry into the game. They have become too insular and niche for new players. For RP, I do best just making my own kind of music. Having few good character friends really beats out having to deal with 22 Discord servers (no joke!). Of course, RP being RP, milage certainly varies per individual.

If you are interested in doing large scale PVP with a friendly group of players who are inviting to the entire game community, I have your back… Just message Sadgati@wyrmrest-accord or Nafi .

Our Sunreavers guild might be a good RP fit if you have any blood elf characters!

Axiann, is Suncrusher sill around? That was my last guild when going on a 12 year hiatus. It was under Rozeallyn.

I’ve never heard of em! I’ve been role-playing for pretty much exactly ten years, so that may have been before my time.

if you are still looking for recommendations friend let me know! WRA has many great guilds! (Accidentally wrote twice haha! Didn’t know I could do that)

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(post deleted by author)

One condition of returning to the game was no current raids or mythics. I know…sounds boring. My schedule outside the game constantly changes due to nature of my work hence the reason. The main struggle with RP guilds is finding one that Sadgati could fit into the overall theme. In character, she has serious PTSD due to the scourge invasion of 612 making house guilds mostly an out. In canon, she only returned to Silvermoon a few times very briefly so is not familiar with the rules and overall comraderies of court life. Being a civilian for 20 years (per king’s calendar), military themed guilds are a non starter. She does reside and work in Bilgwater Harbor, Azshara where she is also most often sighted in Orgrimmar, Booty Bay, and Thunder Bluff. She is a chief of operations for her company called United Trade Services which specializes in goods redistribution / speculation. Favorite weekend destination are Uldum and Mt Hyjal. Her family consists of her brother Nafi Jayavanti, her fiancé Dori Sunsphere, a child soon to be, along with small group of chosen family friends. Fear of losing loved ones drives her impulse to fiercely protect those around her, sometimes to her own detriment. She is often protective of those employed by her as well choosing carefully where to do business. Maybe that is some info to go on :slight_smile: