Returning Player LF Raiding Guild

Coming back from break looking to get a fresh start going into 9.1 for Raiding. 10/10H CN exp, looking to push Mythic going into next tier. Prefers Weekend Raiding if possible. Can provide logs if request.

Affliction Lock
214 Ilvl
Btag: Killua#12338

Hey Murdie! We could use a warlock if you could make tues/thurs? :slight_smile:

Optimal Baddies is a guild founded by long time gamers who enjoy playing the game with friends while also pushing content at a reasonable pace. A lot of the members of Optimal Baddies are players who have pushed cutting edge content and are now looking for a slightly more relaxed environment where we can put our feet up and kill bosses.

Server - Area 52
Faction - Horde

Raid Times/Days: 8:00 - 10:00 PM EST Tuesday/Thursday Mythic Prog,
8:00-10:00 Saturday Heroic/Normal clear
Current Progression: 3/10M 10/10H
Recruitment Contacts: Discord - Goldfish#7851, ninjaXpope#0788,LazyTurtle#1791 - Goldfish#1198, Ninjaspace#1577, LazyTurtle#17918

What will be required of players looking to progress with Optimal Baddies?

Research on both the fights and your class and keep up with all out of raid stuff to maintain relevancy.
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) or Bigwigs
Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT)
Preferably AOTC Experience but will consider all applicants
A good Attitude
A great Sense of Humor
The ability to take constructive criticism

And of course just like any organized group a solid attendance!

Hi Killua! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Hey Muridie,

Sounds like we may be a good fit for you,

Guid: Dark Gestures
Realm: Thrall (H)
Recruitment contacts: BNet Devonair#1975 Discord: Jenn#5528

We are an AOTC focused guild looking to broaden out our raiding roster. We are currently 10/10h. In 9.1 we will once again have a focus on reaching AOTC and are looking to build a mythic roster that will continue to progress on content while maintaining our casual but competitive vibe. Outside of raids we also have groups running mythic + dungeons, some pvp and transmog runs.

9.1 Raid Schedule:
Friday/Saturday 8-11pm est with an optional alt fun run Wednesdays at 7pm est

Raid needs:
Currently recruiting for all roles. Main tank spots are taken but on occasion we do need to fill that role if one is away.

Raiding requirements:
Come to raid prepared. We will provide feasts/cauldrons.
Be aware of boss fights/mechanics. While we will learn the finer details as a group and are willing to help new members catch up on new fights, we ask that you have a general idea of what to expect.
Have a headset and working microphone. While you will not be expected to be a social butterfly there are points in raid where communication is required.
Regularly attend raids.
Be able to mesh with existing group. We are serious when it comes to boss pulls but expect lots of laughter and jokes during trash and between pulls. Have the ability to take a joke.
Our mythic roster will have ilvl/dps/class requirements.

Social members are always welcome.

Guild Culture:
We are an active and friendly guild who focus on progressing through content while maintaining a fun and lighthearted atmosphere. We are a 18+ guild and no drama will be tolerated. We provide an active discord full of players willing to help old and new members alike. If you ever need help with something be it gearing/rotation/mechanics someone will always be willing to lend a helping hand.

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of please reach out to me and we can talk further.