Returning player LF raiding guild

Hi everyone,

I’ve just returned to the game a few weeks ago and I’m looking to get back into the raiding scene after a lot of characters to max. I have raided heroics, but my last expansion was MoP, so there is nothing of recent relevance. I am an adult with a family who wants to log in and clear hardmode content with minimal drama and BS. I’d also prefer a guild that doesn’t simply log on and off for raids, and would appreciate getting to know the regulars and be able to banter with people during non-raid times.

Raid times must be Sat/Sun any time after 5:30 PM Eastern - I work nights and absolutely cannot raid during the week.

My expectation for raiding is to clear heroics and push as far in to mythics as possible. I am willing to server transfer. Alliance is also a bonus but I am willing to play either faction.

I’ve been out of the game for a long time, but I know what is expected of me to play at a high level. Barring anything out of the ordinary, I will show up fully prepared with pots and ready to pull on time on raid nights. I will research fights and understand mechanics.

I’ve narrowed my SL main choices to any of the following: Resto/Ele Shaman, Priest, Rogue, Demon Hunter, Hunter. I have not specified spec or role because I intend to be proficient at all specs for my chosen class, except Enh Shaman. I also plan on having at least one geared alt, possibly two, and will be willing to switch characters if necessary in order to fill holes where needed.

Please reach out via Discord @ BlitzkriegDC#8703 or Bnet @ BlitzkriegD#1781 and we can chat more.

Thanks for reading my wall of text.

Bumpity bump

Hi Zyndek,

I know you said you cannot raid during the week, but given our unique raid time (11AM CST), I thought I would post here and see if you might be interested! :slight_smile:

Project Cloverfield (Mal’ganis Server) is expanding with a new daytime Heroic/AOTC raiding group at 11AM Server time / 12PM Eastern Time on Wednesdays. We are currently looking for all roles for players who enjoy raiding, mythic+, PvP, and more.

You can see more information about our guild at our forum post: [H] [Mal'Ganis] <Project Cloverfield> LF Daytime/Morning Raiders for SL (11 AM CST/ST Wed)

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions!
Battlenet: Noelzy#11138
Discord: Noel#0993

Bumpity bump