Returning player LF [H] raiding guild

Just returned to the game a couple weeks ago, been leveling and trying to gear on a mostly dead server for Horde. Using group finder as much as possible as a result.

Things about me:

I’m always on time and very reliable.
I’m competent with my class and raid awareness.
I rarely make mistakes, and when I do, it’s typically just the one time.
I play at 144fps so performance problems during gameplay aren’t a problem.
I used to play a lot back in the day but guilds kept quitting at various times, and last expansion was just a train wreck of attendance and people just quitting.

What I’m looking for:

East coast server only (preferable Chicago datacenter).
2-3 raiding nights a week.
Prefer to end at or around 10pm EST.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly @ Khurg#11620

Paintrain United on Area 52.

Why us?

  • We limit the amount of people in guild to 100. This way everyone has a spot.
  • Casual but get things done. Nobody gets cut from raids as long as they are trying as we understand this is a game. Got Heroic BoD 7/9 with this philosophy but we did get a late start.
  • we supplement the guild through a community so no need to swap servers.

Raid Wed/Thu 8-10 EST
M+ on Mondays and pick up whenever people are on

Discord is active.


Hi Khurg, If you’re looking for Heroic Raiding, doing Mythic+ in a fun environment, and 11:00 pm EST isn’t too late, I hope you’ll consider us. :slight_smile:
B-net: Hoob#11345, Tiffin#11683 or Itz#1225

<Sacred Fire> On Bleeding Hollow was originally founded during Cataclysm by a group of in-game friends. We have a long history of raiding together going back to BC and Wrath. Our main focus for BFA is AOTC. We’re currently seeking experienced, goal-oriented raiders, those returning to raiding, as well as active social members.

Raid Schedule: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00pm to 11:00pm Eastern time.

Current Progression: Heroic Uldir: 8/8 AOTC Heroic BoD: 9/9 AOTC Heroic Cos: 1/2

Armageddon Industries
Adult (ages 21+, 30+ preferred) Heroic AotC & M+ guild.
**T/Th 11pm-2am EST. **

We are recruiting more dps and a 1-2 healers for 8.2 Highest needed classes at this time are: Mage, Monk, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Death Knight, and Warrior. All classes will still be considered, but Rogue and Demon Hunter is closed.

We do meta achieves when they are current, xmog/mount/achievement farming, and have a high desire to push more M+.

For more info see our current recruitment post.

Guild Master / Raid Lead
bnet = Armageddon#1974
discord = Skybolt#2791

Recruitment Officer
Battletag ID - Mirielle#1541
Discord ID - Miriel#2724

Welcome back to the game!
We would be interested in speaking with you, find my Discord ID at the bottom of the post, we can chat. Also our community key if you would like to chat in game.

Looking for a guild to call home, progress in content while in the company of a fun group of friends?
Miscreants Arygos-Llane is a small knit group building our ranks for 8.2. We understand that real-life comes before raid life,we come home to our WoW family to unwind, not a second job. As a guild, we enjoy M+ keys, Raiding, and a little PVP on the side. Our goal is to build a solid core team to push into 8.2 content while still maintaining an organized but fun atmosphere. All classes welcome.

Server: US-Arygos/Llane
Schedule: Fri & Sat 7-10pm Eastern (Server)

Melee: All (prefer: Monk, Warrior, Paladin)
Ranged: All (prefer: Warlock, Mage, Priest)
Healers: All (Hybrids & Backups Most Welcome)
Tanks: All (Hybrids & Backups Most Welcome)

Discord ID: planeswalker94#8509

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 9/9M BoD [ce] , 2/2H CoS 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 server on our server group.

Currently US 140 for Mythic BoD. Killed Jaina multiple times before the hardcore nerfs and reclear her every week.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 disc+holy priest, 1 holy paladin, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for warlock, ele sham, s priest) 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer monk or warrior… Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: We are pushing hard for famed slayer in eternal palace and need like minded driven competitive individuals with the same goal [IN PROGRESS]. To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.@

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Hi Khurg,

Ours Is The Fury - Turalyon
AOTC raiding (some early mythic later on) Fri/Sat 8:30-11:00 est

We’re looking for a tank. Also we end at 11. If that’s not too late for you, and you enjoy being punched a lot, I’d like to talk.

bnet: pete#1889
discord: shagga#0931
guild spam:

Late Night Pain Train, LNPT, is recruiting members to continue current progression through raiding along with mythic plus and other various outside activities such as PVP, achievement runs, etc. Our raid times are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10-12 server EST. On zul’jin
The main focus is having a team of solid players that maintain a positive attitude during raids and encouraging toward other guildmates with the emphasis on improving and growing as we continue to work our way through each new level of challenging content.
We are recruiting all classes and specs and encourage our members to play what that enjoy.
For more information please contact Jabinee, Gorkow, Drakopolis, Mutaka, Holyapple or Brutall.
Battle Tags. Jabini#1699 Gortao#1301