I stopped playing early on in BFA but recently came back and am looking for a Mythic Raiding Guild I can grow with. Fresh 120 Balance Druid but would consider healing or tanking if the guild needed it from me. Still working on gearing up but will do anything to help out the guild and always willing to learn. Had Aotc in every raid in legion but haven’t raided in BFA yet but always willing to learn.
Btag RunTMC#11687
Discord ClutchBoyTroy#2025
If you don’t find a mythic spot, we’re a Heroic (8/8) focused guild - primarily looking for a healer at the moment. [H] Tribe Gaming - AOTC - LF heals
We are a Heroic (5/8) guild looking for ranged DPS, should you not find a mythic guild to raid with. Tues/Thurs 10:30 p.m. EST <Combatant> Heroic Guild. We can help you get geared and guarantee a raid spot, let me know if you have any questions!
<Clockwork> is a newer guild on Thrall, formed by a group of players who were unsatisfied with their guilds’ commitment to raiding. We are currently 8/8H and 2/8M. We are hoping to finish filling out our roster so that we can get some more solid progression done, and be more prepared for the next raid tier.
Our raid times are Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 10pm – 1am EST
If you’re interested you can add me on btag:
Calahorn I’d lIke to chat with you a bit more if you are looking for something more?
Bnet: ganderin4620#1637
We raid T/Th 9pm to 11pm server