Hello Thrall!
Have you been looking for a fun, laid-back guild to raid with? Combatant is looking for members like you. We are accepting members of all classes and experience levels.
We are willing to take both open-minded newbies and fun, laid-back veterans alike. As a newbie you will be able to enjoy the game with us as we help you grow into your role. As a veteran you will enjoy the atmosphere and friendly guild members.
As a guild we raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but we also are open to forming groups for dungeons, arenas, battlegrounds, and leveling.
Outside of WoW many of us play other games together as well.
Our raid times are as follows:
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Start: 10:30 p.m. End: 1:30 a.m.
Times are in Eastern Time.
Currently 9/9 Heroic.
If you are interested in joining our community please contact me in game with my battletag.
We are recruiting for the new raid tier coming out January of the new 8.1 patch. Our goal is to provide a laid back experience with players that like to do Heroic content. As well as finding like minded individuals to do M+ dungeons with. If you are interested in joining our community please contact me in game with my battletag. OMGNazgul#1347 or our GM Vex#1838
Hey everyone, we are still recruiting for the next raid tier. If anyone is interested, please feel free to contact me at PitchASheet#1435, Naz at OMGNazgul#1347 or our GM Vex#1838
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8.1 is coming! Still looking to fill our roster.
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Still looking, we play all the time and have fun doing it. Guaranteed raid spots if you join!
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We are running a fresh Heroic Uldir tonight. If you wanna come test the waters then come join us.
Guild is hosting a Hearthstone Tournament as well this month.
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Still looking for more for our core raid team. We are raiding Heroic Uldir Fresh tomorrow at 10:30 p.m. Eastern TIme. Hit us up if you want in.
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We are continuing our raid night tonight at 10:30 p.m. server time (eastern time). We are still looking for people, and would love to have you with us! If you want to test the waters tonight, feel free to message me PitchASheet#1435
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7/8 Heroic now! Still looking for more for Ghuun progression and Battle for Dazar’alor.
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We are now 7/8 Heroic, looking to down G’huun on Thursday, as well as form a solid raid team for the upcoming raid. Always looking for more people, come and join!
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We are now 7/8 Heroic still looking for more peeps to destroy Ghunns butthole on Thursday.
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Looking for a few more DPS and a Healer to fill our core raiding spots for the upcoming raid later this January. We have had steady progression as new members have been joining our ranks. We help gear those that need a catch up with Mythic + and I farm BG’s to get marks for extra loot rolls so whatever your interest may be there is always something to do!
We do events outside of WoW as well in other games for rewards in WoW and just having a good time/bragging rights so over all its a badass environment. 7/8H BTW 
Raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 10:30pm EST
8/8 Heroic! Still looking for 3 or 4 DPS for Dazar’alor. Newbies welcome! Willing to help you gear.
8/8 Heroic! Still looking for 3 or 4 DPS for Dazar’alor Progression
Still looking for DPS, but also come join us for our guild diablo competition! Starts with Season 16 starting 1/18.
Hey guys, we are 8/8 Heroic now, and we plan to start Battle of Dazar’alor progression right away! Come Join us Tuesday/Thursday 10:30 p.m. EST to 1:30 a.m. to get some gear and hang out with our great community. This month we will be hosting a guild screenshot competition and a Diablo 3 challenge series.
We are still welcoming new people to our guild for Battle of Dazar’alor! We are now 7/9 N and 2/9 H. We host weekly guild competitions, as well and weekly game nights outside of WoW. Our raid times are from 10:30 pm EST to 1:30 am. Feel free to message me at PitchASheet#1435 if you are interested!
Looking for ranged dps, a rogue, and a healer for Heroic progression!
Bumping this thread
We are still looking for more raiders for our team. Reach out to any of the above or myself in game if you have more questions or are interested in joining. We are now 6/9 Heroic BoD.
7/9 Heroic. Aiming to get AotC before Crucible drops. LF Healers and DPS.