Returning player LF guild

hello my name is Suri,

I am a returning player for TWW. Most of my wow career I was a mythic or top end raider, but now I’m just looking for something a little more relaxed. My main focus is finding a guild that is active daily, and does m+/ aotc raiding. I am very flexible with classes and roles, and i have 3-4 friends with me that might be interested as well depending on the fit.

Cant raid tues - wed

Plz feel free to add bnet or discord ( Surionos#1405 or suri4828)

1 Like

Hit me up!

Hey Suri, would like to speak to you more about a spot and possible spots for your friends. Below is our spam. Reach out if interested thanks

**About us: **

We are a Horde based guild on Zul’jin
We are an AOTC focused guild.
We were AOTC during DF
We are a guild that likes to do all content be it N/H raiding and some prog into Mythic without being hardcore and/or elitist.
We have a very active discord we hang out in daily and post in all day.
We like to have friendships instead of just numbers we want you in discord talking and in guild.
18+ guild

What we offer:

Active and very friendly guild enviroment.
Mythic keys as a group
Heroic Raiding twice a week.
Normal raiding for alts and those who cant make heroics, once a week after progressing into Heroic.
Mount and Xmog runs (gm is a mount collector and goes daily on runs)
TW raids when they are available.
SUPER active Discord !
Friendly enviroment to grow and thrive.
Safe place for Women and LGBTQIA to enjoy playing

What we are looking for:

Need 1 Tank
Need 1 Healer
Need a few DPS

People who show up consistently
People who are not going to flake and leave after a few wipes (raid wipes happen)
Good attitudes
Knowledge of class playing.
(Willing to look at all classes and specs, no immediate denials)

Raid Times

(Prog group) Fridays and Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST
(Alt and extras) Wednesdays 9pm -11pm EST
(Xmog/Mount/TW) Sundays 7pm -9pm EST

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Drag0nss#11100, Nymue#11411 Remane#1467

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37, Remane

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh, Rimaine

Thankyou for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos be Epic!

Good Evening Suri, Underground is actively recruiting for AOTC Raiding for War Within. We raid two days Mon and Wed from 7-930pm PST.

Most of us have been raid/guild leaders and are looking for the easy “retirement” with heroic and M+.

We’ve got several spots for DPS and would love to have a chat with you. Feel free to reach out to us on Discord. Nickorvis or Timotay25.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Tavern Raiders is looking for DPS. We plan to achieve AOTC then do some mythic progression. As well growing a M+ community for people of all levels. We raid 9 pm pst-12 am pst Tuesday/Thursday. If interested or have questions reach out. DISCORD: iaintdaplug BNET: iAintDaPlug#1119

Hiya Suri! We are primarily an OCE guild with several US members (myself included). Our peak times for activity are around 6pm-11am MDT if that’s something that would work for you :slight_smile:

Hard Like Heroic is a home for collectors, completionists, and ‘solo players’ who love to play and talk about wow without the stress, drama, or pressure to perform. We have a very active & welcoming discord, we are cross-faction, run keys and are recruiting raiders for AOTC in TWW.

If you’re tired of the toxic environments and elitism found in many performance-driven guilds, you’ve come to the right place.

Who We Are: We pride ourselves on a low-stress environment where players of all levels can thrive. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there’s a place for you here. Our founders, Fendred and Rawr, envisioned a guild where friendship and teamwork are valued above all else. We believe in supporting each other’s growth and celebrating our collective achievements.

Our Values:

Inclusivity: We welcome players from all backgrounds and skill levels. In our guild, everyone is treated with respect and kindness. Community: We believe in building long-term relationships between our members. Whether you’re looking for someone to quest with, tackle challenging achievements, or simply chat with, you’ll always find a reliable friend here.

Fun: Above all, we’re here to have a good time. While we take our adventures seriously, we also know how to kick back and enjoy the journey.

What We Do:

Teamwork: Together, we tackle dungeons, raids, and other challenges as a cohesive unit. We believe that by working together, we can overcome any obstacle.

Learning and Growth: Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or learn a new class, is the perfect place to do so. Our experienced members are always willing to lend a hand and share their knowledge.

Collecting and Completion: Are you an avid collector or completionist? You’re in good company! We love hunting achievements, mounts, and collectibles together.

Raiding: We are still in the works on setting up raid times. We are waiting to fill out a bit more and look at everyone’s availability to choose the best times. Tentatively, we are currently looking at Sundays and Thursdays 8:30-10:30p AEST with an alt group on Mondays, but it is subject to change.

Join us on our epic quest through WoW as we strive to complete every challenge the game has to offer! Together, we’ll forge unforgettable memories and build lasting friendships. Adventure awaits—let’s make it legendary!

B-tag: Kunaminy#11756
Discord: Kunaminy

Feel free to message me with any questions or an invite to our Discord!

Hey there check us out we mite tickle you fancy

Invicta (US - Area 52) is a guild of long time players who have been together since before Legion. We are currently recruiting for a relaxed but committed AOTC team. The intent is to clear Heroic regularly before the end of each season. We’re willing to help you help us raid successfully and ask for committed mature raiders. Join us for some laid back but impactful raiding in The War Within.

Raid Schedule: Friday and Saturday 9:00 - 11:30pm EST

Roles Needed: Currently recruiting for all roles/classes.

Show up at an appropriate item level with enchants and consumables. Prove Illidan wrong and be prepared.

Know your responsibilities. Fights will be explained but make sure to ask questions on the things you don’t understand or need clarity on.

Ownership. Mistakes happen and we aren’t expecting perfection. If you don’t know what happened, ask. Feedback provided will always be with the intent of improving the experience of everyone in the raid.

What’s in it for you:
A fun raid environment where everyone is given the shot to succeed and make an impact.

Loot. We will down bosses!

A community of new and experienced players alike. We are friendly and active outside of raid nights with Mythic+ groups running consistently.

If you want to apply or discuss further reach out to me at:
Discord: Vanderstin
Bnet: Vanderstin#1433

Hello Surihunter!

High Latency on Trollbane server is currently looking for dps for our raid team! If you are interested check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

We always get AoTC and our members like to help get everyone KSM (if players are willing to put in the effort!) We are also pretty active in Discord.

Also feel free to message me in game! Yakella- Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa6430

Hello Suri : ) Depending upon your available raid times/days and the roles/classes you and your friends are playing, we may be a good fit. Happy to chat about it.

Guild: Syzygy
Server: Zul’jin (Horde)
Time Zone: Eastern (server time)

We are a semi-casual, mid-core, adult friendly AOTC focused guild and we strive to maintain an inclusive culture that is inviting from a social aspect while also being productive with our raids and key runs.

We are currently looking to grow our community of raiders, M+ runners, transmog & achievement chasers and casual players. Whether you are a veteran player or new to the game or somewhere in between, we welcome you to join us!

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)

Raiding Current Needs:
Tank - closed
Healer - closed
RDPS - preference for Mage, Warlock (sorry, no more hunters)
MDPS - preference for DH, Rogue
! Any and all capable players will be considered, offspecs are a big plus !

A bit about us …

As mature adults, we have jobs, kids, and commitments outside of WoW – we understand that this is a game and we work hard to enjoy our free time with our friends. To that end we aren’t looking for people that bring drama, discrimination or hatefulness to our guild.

We are a community made up of different religions, races, sexual orientations, political beliefs and are LGBTQIA+ friendly. If you don’t have manners and decorum, or can’t have a discussion where parties agree to disagree respectfully, we aren’t your tribe. If you are open to meeting new people, sharing and experiencing new perspectives and having a great time then hit us up.

Interested or have any questions? Contact one of us:

Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
Cloud: cloudyaffects82

BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650
Cloud: cloud82#11941

Friendly bump still looking

Hey there. I wanted to reach out as we are still recruiting for raid.

We do have dps spots and one healing spot open as someone changed to dps.

I linked our current forum post below so you can see what we are all about and what our goals are and I am usually here in discord in the evenings if you want to chat further. Happy hunting!

Hi! Im going to leave my guild information here, if its something you think would work out for you I would love to get in touch!

Raid nights- Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST
< I I I > Is currently recruiting for TWW. Our goal for Empire is to build a community of players who are looking for something different. We want to go back to how guilds used to be. We want to make friends, kill bosses, and have fun doing it. We are ready to have fun guild-wide events on nights we aren’t raiding, doing M+ or PVP again. However, this is not a casual raiding guild. Our raid environment is one where we respect each other. We work together as team to be better and you will be expected to do the best that you can. Our goals for TWW are to get AoTC and into Mythic with Cutting Edge in mind. This means that we expect to advance to AoTC fairly quickly, and move on to Mythic difficulty. We will hit mythic hard and get as far as we can.

Our leadership is currently 6/8M Vault, 7/9M Abberus, 6/9M Amir in current seasons and in awakened season. Raid nights are Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST. Monday will be mandatory and used during progression (the first month or two). Afterwards it will be an optional heroic/alt clear.

We currently need DPS!
Specific class needs- Aug Evoker, Havoc DH (just a bonus if you are one of these!)

Recruitment Contacts-
Discord- bubbli. (with a period at the end), haytred
Btag- Tellu#11210, Haytred#1922

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!