Returning player LF Guild to ease back into game

Hello Everyone,

Just like the title says, I am a returning player looking for a guild to help me ease back into the game. It would be great to find a newer guild who might be starting out that I could help with and grow with but a guild that is friendly and understanding of real life responsibilities I would be happy to join. I am not chained to any particular server or faction so transferring wouldn’t bother me as I just resubbed a week ago and have played a variety of classes.

I have raided as dps and healer on normal and some herioc, have some experience with mythic+ but never dived too deep into it. I am on a lot and active but my schedule prevents me from committing to raiding for 6-8 hours a week. I try to keep my weekly scheduled raiding to only 2-4 hours a week. I don’t need to get AOTC every raid tier but would like to find a team that likes to complete the raid even if AOTC isn’t achieved.

Looking forward to finding a guild, please reach out to my Bnet Tag Khellendros#1292.


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Hey there! I’d be interested in chatting with you! We’ve got a mix of social folks and raiders in our guild-- both of which are active in Discord.

Here’s some info on the guild, please reach out if you’re interested:

Guild Name : Onward
Server : Moon Guard
Faction : Alliance
Type of Guild : Social, Raiding, Mythic+, some PVP
Progression : 9/10 H 10/10 N
Raid Times : Fri/Sat 7-10 server (8-11 EST)

About : We’re a social, friendly guild who aims to hold events both in and out of game, hang out with each other, and generally just have fun playing the game together. Outside of raid, we like to run mythic plus, hop into arenas and battlegrounds, and run old content runs for mounts, transmog and achievements. We also occasionally host non-WoW events Tea Time, Spooky Scary Movie night, and Phasmophobia night. Our guildies get guild repairs and access to the leveling and crafting mats tab in the guild bank. We’ve also got an active discord to talk shop, post memes, or gush about your fur babies.

With 9.2 on the horizon, we’re looking for new members to join our roster! In addition to social members, we are looking for more dedicated DPS members to fill out our raid team.

Reach out on Discord for an invite or if you have questions: LifeOnMarz #1786

Good morning! We would love to have you join our family! From Ashes is an alliance guild my husband and I lead on the Whisperwind/ Dentarg servers. We are a social/ casual guild with a low stress raiding environment. Most of our members are older members (most are between mid 30s - 50s) with children and full time jobs. Our goal is to have a guild that feels like a family, where our members actually care about one another and want to hang out. We are firm believers that real life comes first and that this is supposed to be something we enjoy, not a job. We raid Normal and Heroic only on Wed/ Sun from 8p-10p cst , have lots of off night events scheduled (in game and out), and a pretty active discord. We try to do as much as we can together as possible whether that be fun runs/ mythic dungeons/ raids/ achievements/ etc. Here is our guild spam if you want to check it out: (A) From Ashes (Whisperwind/Dentarg) Recruiting

I will send you friend request! ( Chelusa#1974 ) Thank you!

hey would love to talk more about goals and future. funkeoto#8862 on discord!

We’re a casual adult AOTC guild, we have 2 set raid teams T/Th 8pm est / 7pm cdt / 5pm pst / 6pm mst and another team that runs on Sun evening an hour earlier than the Tues/Thurs group. Alt-friendly, queer-friendly, all around friendly.

We recruit players not classes as a rule but there are times, we are looking to fill specific needs. Joining the guild is not a guarantee of immediately joining a raid team, that needs to be discussed with the respective raid leaders.

We also run an alt/main friendly normal level raid on Saturday evenings that is open to anyone with an iLevel of 210 or above. Start time for “Drunk Raid” is 8pm est / 7pm cdt / 5pm pst / 6pm mst.

We have players who focus on raiding, Mythic +, Achievements, Pet battles, PVP, and all other walks of life in WoW.

If you are interested, you can let us know here or you can reach out to me in game. I am always on a character that starts with “Thorn” in his naming convention, or you can ask any member of the guild for me. Then there is always Discord, there I am Thorn#2184

Thank you all for replies, I joined up with From Ashes on Whisperwind, good people so far. Thanks Namaah for the invite!

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Hey Volokrim!!

If you’re interested in switching to Alliance, I have a great guild for you! We are an active guild that has plenty of people on to help you with anything you need! If you’re interested in switching to Alliance/Stormrage, hit me up! Buttahmilk#1214 is my btag.

Hi Volokrim,

Let me know if this sounds like something you’d be interested in. Always happy to chat if you have any other questions.

Welcome back!

THE VENDING MACHINE is a small Horde guild of friends on Black Dragonflight that have been playing WoW together for the last couple of years. Whenever we’re not raiding, you will always find a couple of us on Discord casually running mythic+, leveling alts, or socializing while playing other games. We would love to fill our guild with fresh new faces that are interested in raiding and mythic+ content. Here’s some more information on the guild:

Raiding: We do that!

We are currently 9/10 Heroic SoD with our raid times being Thursday and Friday from 8:00 - 10:30 PM ET. We are hoping to get AOTC (as we did in a different guild with CN) and would love to also attempt a few mythic bosses just to see how far we get. We also enjoy alt runs in normal if you want to gear/test other characters.

Mythic+: We love running M+ content!

Most of the guild members are pushing towards or have already achieved KSM this season and are always willing to push keys. Even if you have no experience with M+, we’re happy to help you out! Dungeons are so much more fun with guildies than random PUGS.

Socializing/Other Games: We’re always online doing something!

While we are primarily a WoW guild, we all play other games too. Currently a lot of the community members are heavily invested in Phasmaphobia. We like to try and run social game nights in Discord so we can just get together, have a couple drinks if you want, and play some silly games.

If you think this sounds like the guild for you, or you just want more people to hang out with while playing WoW, feel free to toss me a message:


Discord: BryguytheFirth#0321

Welcome back to the game! We are not a “newer guild” but welcome new and returning players as our community is really important to us. Here is our shameless plug below:

  • 10/10N 9/10H is recruiting for SoD * - come help us kill Sylvannas on HEROIC!

Enshadowed - US THRALL is a semi casual adult/mature raiding guild looking for players for our raid roster. We have been around since wrath with a core of players that have been playing together for a long time.

We are also an older established guild so smaller/newer guilds looking for a merger are welcome to inquire who have stopped raiding due to attendance, unsubs, leadership etc.

We are focused on AOTC each tier and hoping to push Mythic if attendance/interest and time allow us. The Attendance boss has been an obstacle.

Raid times are Tues/Thurs 8:30-11pm EST


Healers (2-3)

DPS (Many)- Would love to see Death Knight, WW Monk, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, Balance Druid and mage but all DPS are welcome.



We are looking for anyone who loves to run and Push Mythic +, at any capacity we can all learn from each other and have fun at the same time! We want to build a roster again where KSM and running keys in general will not have to be pugged.


Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community. We love achievements, mount farming, Rated Bg’s etc and want to bring our roster back to being able to do these things again as a guild. Anyone who loves to gather and farm mats is a bonus.

What we expect.
Players who want to join a community and be active. We are quite active in discord usually M-F and suggest to anyone joining to do the same. This is where you will see the most activity and get to know the rest of the guild.

For raiders
We do expect you to know your class, do your best and be open to constructive feedback because frankly, we all want those bosses killed.

Keep you main character up to date, current. Running Mythic Plus is encouraged and no raid logging. The last thing we want to see is raiders who are only present on raid days. We get that real life is a thing we all have one, but it you intend to raid we want people to be engaged in the process and with the rest of the raiders.

…and most importantly WANT to be part of a team. Enshadowed has been our home for over 10 years and we welcome people looking for a place to call home and make new friends. Guild hoppers trying to get the highest progression, (ya know that one guild with one boss more killed and so on) well…this is not the place for you Sad that this needs to be said but …we want invested team members.

Contact us !
Bnet: ree#1799
DISCORD: kayliee#7155