Returning Player LF Family like Community

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a returning Mage (Current 415 gear) and looking to get back into the game. I am looking for a Mature guild (Community) that has a family atmosphere and is on Discord. A guild that takes the game serious when need to be and casual when not, but also understands life happens outside the game. I am willing to move so my server and the fact Im alliance doesn’t matter.

I also like the idea of the Community / Guild having a family friendly environment, one that has an active discord environment as well. Where you joke around with each other and look forward to playing with each other.

On WoW off nights would love to find a Community / guild that likes to play other games as well (Overwatch, BL3, Tabletop Sim, etc etc).

I love to raid do mythic+ or anything in any other game. anything fun with friends tbh.

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we’d love to be considered, but I dont think we’re established/ active enough to meet your needs. If you are inclined, however…

dingusbrigade dot com