I’ve been on the server for 4 or so years and I’ve been a Mythic raider pretty much since they added it, haven’t been very active during BFA till recently, 453 Havoc DH and possibly going to get my Shaman up to heal soon. Looking for guilds that at least do Heroic Ny’alotha clears (unsure if I want to do mythic at the moment).
Looking for raid times to be either post 8:30pm Server on Tues-Thurs, or anytime on Fri-Sundays. I don’t really mind if it’s just a casual heroic guild, or a Mythic guild with weekly alt runs, just something active that can clear raids.
As a side note I’m willing to better learn/gear up Veng to tank if needed.
If you need to reach me in-game you can message Medomai or add me on bnet at Aqua#12788