Hello everyone I decided to return to WoW and I miss the friendships and times I had with past guilds. I am looking to restore this by finding the right guild.
What I want:
-A guild with an active smaller community where players actually socially interact with each other. No over sized guilds as I really feel that goes against the whole point. I’m looking on average for about 10-30 players online daily. Also a guild where players do other things together other than raid.
-Non toxic guilds. This should be without saying but a mature guild is a must. If your guilds chat resembles trade chat then it probably won’t work. Obviously limited drama is also expected.
-Casual raid environment.
What to expect from me:
-Over 10 years WoW experience with raiding on multiple roles. (Last heroic raiding experience was in WOD as a holy Paladin.
-Flexible schedule. I am a Veteran on disability so I’m pretty much open all day. I am able to raid until 10 EST then I start to get too groggy.
-No drama, active, and helpful.
-I also use logs, read guides, etc. to help improve my characters performance and am always looking for improvement and am able to take constructive criticism.
I plan on trying a few guilds. I will not transfer any of my characters until I feel that the guild is a right fit. Until then I will just be leveling and socializing in the guild. Once I feel a guild is a fit then we can discuss the guilds needs versus my character arsenal to decide what I should transfer and focus on.
How this will work:
Basically let me know what you have and I’ll make an alt and have at it for a while. If I feel its a fit I’ll let you know. If not I’ll let you know and resort back to this post to try out another group.
If interested contact me via BNet. I will be keeping an eye on this thread as well but BNet is the fastest way to get a hold of me.
BNet: Slipup#1184
Sorry for the really long post but I felt it was needed.
Thanks for your time.