Returning player - dracthyr model and animations feedback

The proportions and animations of the dracthyr model are awkward, and not the quality I would expect from Blizzard. Specifically, the head and neck are too small and feel more lizard than dragon. Most unacceptable of all is the dracthyr dragon-form walking animation which is floaty and goofy looking. The walk animation alone makes me second-guess playing the evoker class which I am really enjoying.


The run animation is why I stick to my visage form outside of combat. In combat, I’m often hovering or focusing on mechanics so it’s less of an annoyance.


Lmao knew it was a troll post from here.

This game has never had high quality graphics, models, or effects

Not playing something you thoroughly enjoy because you think the run animation is strange is wild.

Buy 200 blubbery cupcakes, be a walrus, and enjoy the class.

I would love a Deathwing shaped head option. Just a more bulky, sharp jawline style you know?

The skinny long narrow head shape only fits the skinny body type.

I understand it. I don’t play Worgen anymore since they got updated. Their run animation is weird and the cast animations are even worse. Their model update made them so much worse imo, so I don’t play them anymore

Sure, but you have access to the classes even if you choose not to play worgen, that’s different.

If you loved the playstyle and feel of a class so much that you wanted to main it but they only were accessible through worgen, you’d still opt out of playing it?

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I guess it kinda grew on me over time. I dont mind it. :dracthyr_shrug:

Blizzard is incredibly cringe for still having not made it an option to just always be in visage form.

Abundantly clear that dracthyr’s dragon form was made by a furry they employ somewhere. The class literally no one asked for and it has this absolutely goofy mandatory furry form. Just yikes.

Watch Evoker playrate skyrocket when they grow tf up and stop trying to force people to partake in their weirdness.


True because crying about the looks of a pixelated video game character model in a game with 20 year old 64 bit graphics is the “grown up” stance, lol.


What are you talking about, he is not talking about high quality graphics

He is talking about the model design of the humanoid and the fact the proportions look off which makes the lizards look weird. It has nothing to do with graphic quality and all to do with body proportions from the modeler.

They look nothing like they do in the cinematic proportion wise.


So we’re not talking about the graphical limitations of the game but you think them looking completely different in a higher quality cinematic is unrelatedđŸ« ?

We are talkin about body proportions. They look off in the game but not in the cinematics. The legs, body and arm proportions are off.

Its a basic modeler concept. We are not talking about graphics quality.

can you not see the difference between the neck proportions as an example?

Big thighs, small heads and neck, strange proportion and length of certain limbs.

I dont know if you are trolling and generally dont understand the difference between the models proportion of limbs and high graphics.

You’re entirely missing the point.

I don’t care if it’s “tHe pRopOrTiOns dOnt mAtCH” or “iT rUns wEiRD”.

If you love a class in a game that already looks terrible, not playing it because of the appearance is completely laughable.

There are plenty of options to change the model if you want to. There are even more next expansion.

I don’t particularly love how Dracthyr looks, but I love how the specs play. So I play them.

But people play classes also based on appearances, why do you think there are always requests to expands certain classes to new races (I’m looking at you shamans and druids).

There are not plenty of options to change the model, we are talking about proportion and how the model is built - adding a fin on your neck isn’t going to change any of that.

 what new options do we get with TWW?


I totally understand WANTING improvements, I want them as well.

I just didn’t understand falling in love with a playstyle and then saying “nah I don’t like the looks, I can’t play it”.

It’s not specifically for us, it’s the enchanting consumable that turns you into another race for an hour (on a two hour CD which is a bit weird).

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Consider that if they were to remove transmogrification from the game, there would be riots in the streets.
It’s not so “insane” to think that someone could move away from a class they like because of race restrictions.

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I guess at the end of the day we all play the game for different reasons.

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I completely disagree, plenty of people wont play certain classes\specs because of how they look or what races they have options for.

I remember people would never play balance unless they had glyph of stars, people wouldnt play druid because they didnt like tauren etc.

I am sure lots of people skip evoker even though its a pretty cool class because it looks goofy. You are in the minority if you dont care what your character looks like in a MMORPG IMO.

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Honestly? I probably would. Even if I loved the playstyle, I wouldn’t be able to tolerate playing a character I hate looking at.

It’s probably shallow and vain but I spend 99% of my time staring at that character, so I want to like what I’m looking at.

I mean I don’t think the game is deep enough to feel shallow or vain over a preference, lol.

You like what you like.

I just play with a group that cares far more about kit, performance, and what the group needs, so I’ve never experienced anyone not playing something they love strictly because of aesthetics.

Personally, I barely even register what I look like when doing content and it doesn’t realistically matter to me what I look like in the down time.

We all have our own motivations for what we play at the end of the day.

It’s a hermaphrodite form or something, therefore they made the visuals and animations gender-neutral and we ended up with this abomination of a model that keeps a lot of players away from an otherwise fun class.