Returning pet battler looking for guidance

Hey all. So I used to pet battle quite a lot back in the ol Pandaria days but stopped around the launch of WoD. I just recently got the itch to try to get back into it again, but am a little lost on where to begin.

So does anyone have any advice on where I should start to try and get back into it? Or can anyone point me to any good guides?

Edit: Oh and any recommended addons?

Thanks in advance.

I think in Warlords of Draenor, Legion and Battle for Azeroth, there are new Master Tamers in each zone, and a couple of meta achievements to work on.

I would probably start by going round the continents and battle all the tamers, then have a look at some achievements to work on.
There are also 3 ā€œpet dungeonsā€ but Iā€™m not completely sure where to start them.

re: addons, I use Rematch and Derangementā€™s pet battle cooldowns

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For Addons:

  • BattlePetBreedID - Shows Breeds of pets in your Pet Journal. Not sure what Pet Breeds are? Hereā€™s a guide:

  • PetTracker - Shows CDs of enemy pets in PVE. If it makes things too cluttered for you, you can turn off all the other modules and just keep the base ā€˜PetTrackerā€™ part on.

  • Rematch - All around solid Pet Battle addon that gives extra functionality to your Pet Journal, including the ability to save and/or import pet teams for specific fights.

  • Battle Pet Daily Tamer - Shows where all the Pet Battle trainers/quests are on the World Map. Zooming out all the way allows you to see what pet types each trainer has when hovering over their green paw print.


Iā€™d start by working on getting a level 3 menagerie in your garrison. U have a chance to get pet drops as well as pet charms which, u can buy 7-8 or so pets with. This also opens up squirt who when up allows repeated pet battle for easy exp:

I personally donā€™t think she is needed however as to the family battler legion npcs when available from a world quest grant about the same exp and u will find generally u will have 1 up at any given day.

Perhaps while trying to unlock the achievement for the menagerie, Iā€™d hit up the tanaan rares every day for exp on some and more pets to collect.

For legion as I said, look at what pet battles are available for the day via WQ and, if u need exp, repeatedly hit up the same trainer. You could also work on the family battler achievement while doing so. They are also a great source for bandages and charms.

Lastly Iā€™d always do the bfa WQs especially if polished charms are available. There are a LOT of vendor pets to collect.

For addons Quintessence listed them all but, definitely get rematch.

For all the above fights check out

To use simply click which expansion along the top then select which sub-catergory u want, e.g world quests or family battler, then click the npc you wish to know which strategy to use against. It will list the desired pets and which move sets to use plus which abilities in order to use against them. Also, if you are lacking the pets, you can see alternative pets/strategies.

While using rematch, click rematch script and copy/paste that in game and it will save the pet set up for said npc. Itā€™s awesome and well worth it.

Definitely invest in some of these pets
*anubisath idol
*P/P emerald photo
*P/P nexus whelping
*mechanical pandaren hatching
*darkmoon tonk AND zeppelin
*unborn valkyr
*zandalari raptors with black claw and hunting party
*teroclaw hatching

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s heaps more everyone else can suggest.

I hope this helps and best of luck! The pet battle community is awesome and have really helped me get into pet battles recently :grinning:


Far as guides, Xu-Fuā€™s is the ONE. Itā€™s the current headliner article in Quintessenceā€™s Which I hope youā€™ve made account on, itā€™s the best.

Far as add-ons, I consider Rematch to be mandatory if youā€™re really into pets.

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Hey guys this is Caith (posted on wrong toon earlier lol). Just wanted to say thanks a lot for all the help, I really do appreciate it :).

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I would absolutely recommend Xu-Fu. For strats against NPC pet battlers, it is the go-to resource.

Conversely, I would suggest you avoid Wowhead. It is not only a malware infested cesspool, but it is extremely slow to update information.

Small correction. Itā€™s Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, not Hatchling. (Easy mistake, though. So many of our pets are hatchlings.)

I would add it doesnā€™t hurt to double up, or even triple up, on some of the pets on this list. One of the reasons for this is because of pet dungeons, which you will eventually want to be doing.

Pet dungeons do not allow you to heal your pets. Youā€™re allowed to complete one dry run, where you may heal your pets in between. Once you complete that, and youā€™re going back for the currency to buy new pets or to take a chance on pets that are random drops, your healing in between pet battles are over.

Consequently, if something goes wrong and the RNG gods have frowned upon you, youā€™re stuck. Youā€™ll have to exit the dungeon, heal your pets and start all over again from the beginning and hope for better luck.

Therefore, I would say two of the Darkmoon Tonks and Zeppelins. Three Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlings (the value of this pet cannot be overstated). At least two Iron Starlettes. I would say P/P is the best breed, but H/P is also useful for survivability. Two Ikkyā€™s. I have three P/P Nexus Whelplings. Three Emerald Proto-Whelps. I prefer the P/P breed. Two or more Teroclaw Hatchlings.

If you want another Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, just reply to this and let me know; Iā€™ll come to your server and send you a free one. (One of my many, many, many glaring failings as a player is that I over-farm mats. I was tired of trying to make all this work with just one Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, so I leveled up my Engineer to make my own. So, of course I farmed and assembled enough mats to make 42 of them.)

Frogs, rabbits, snails, foxes, skunks, and any of the other common pets that I might have overlooked. Theyā€™re abundant, yes, but their also supremely useful. I used to solo the end boss of Wailing Caverns pet dungeon with Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog. It took awhile but he mopped the floor with the boss and both his backup pets.

I frog-kissed that final boss so many times, Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t ask me out on a date.

Rabbits, with their ability to avoid attacks with Dodge and Burrow, plus their innate critter bonus, makes them the absolute bane of Undead.

Snails are essentially giant bags of health, and with the diving attack, theyā€™re great against Elementals, which you will see a ton of in the Gnomeregan pet dungeon.


Sure Iā€™d love another Dragonling. I actually have 2 already, but wouldnā€™t say no to getting another one to make it 3. Also thanks a ton for all the info, will definitely start doubling and tripling up on the pets suggested.

Oh and another question, whatā€™s a good way to get rare battle stones?

These can be purchased with Polished Pet Charms, which are acquired through dailies.

Also, watch the awards offered by the dailies, in both Legion and BfA; the dailies there sometimes offer the blue stones.

Also, I was doing dailies in Legion yesterday and I acquired twice (doing this on my alts as well), a rare upgrade stone which is not account bound.

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I get a regular supply of family-specific ā€œmake rareā€ stones dropping from battling Stone Cold Trixxie (Winterspring), Lydia Accoste (Karazhan), Crysa (Northern Barrens) and the Pandaren tamers. The drop-rate seems to be around 1 in 5 battles. It saves time to make a toon for each tamer you like to battle and just leave them there. A couple of mine, level 1 when first parked, have just reached level 87 from many years of almost daily tamer battles.

Sometimes Legion or BfA pet battles reward a Flawless Battle-Stone. Having lots of alts and leveling pets to sell I do these on every eligible toon.

They can also be bought with Polished Pet Charms, but you might want to save them for buying pets first.

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They can drop from all the Grand Masters. So not only Trixxie and Lydia, but also Bloodknight Antari, Shadowmoon Valley, Major Payne, Icecrown and Obalis, Uldum.

You can also get them from Environeer Bert outside Gnomer.

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its also possible to get the rare stones from inside the bags you get from the panda dailies. And thats a very good place to level pets for that reason.

I deleted 2 of the stones today myself as i no longer have any use for the things. the rare stones will come; right now leveling actually takes longer.

BTW if you have the any-family stones you want to use those on beasts, flyers, critters and maybe aquatics first as there r more of these.

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Is it worth going back and doing the Celestial tournament too? I already have all the pets from it, but I remember you being able to buy other useful stuff from it like leveling sausages. Donā€™t remember if battle stones were available there too.

Have you done An Awfully Big Adventure with Elekk Plushie to get Trunks?

If not, itā€™s worth doing Celestial Tourney again, otherwise, only if you really enjoy it.
You can get the same things with far less work.

Get into the BfA pet battles to get charms. You can even cheese them with teams of level 1s if youā€™re in a hurry, though I find it less hassle to just use leveled teams. If you can level a few alts of course youā€™ll get the charms faster. I have 14 level 120s now and ~20,000 Polished Pet Charms on my pet stuff storage toon.

Master Li does sell rare stones but they take 3 weeks each. At least itā€™s reliable :slight_smile:

Yeah I definitely will be getting more alts up, I have 2 120s atm. It just seems like so much to do daily since Iā€™m like 3 expansions behind on the pet stuff, but Iā€™ll figure it out haha.

Atm Iā€™ve been doing all the Draenor, Legion and BFA pet dailys and I havenā€™t really gotten any stones yet. I guess Iā€™ll also have to try to hit up the Pandaria and old world ones up daily as well.

Work out how much time you can reasonably spend playing and decide on your priorities. Think long-term, donā€™t try to do it all at once.
Youā€™re right, there is always so much to do in this game that you cannot do it all, and trying too hard can burn you out and make serious inroads into your life.

Unless, like me and a few others Iā€™ve met here, your life situation means you really donā€™t need to worry about the time you spend playing.

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Lol yeah trust me Iā€™m aware of that. I have time, just gotta try to break down on what to focus on pet wise with the game time I got. Itā€™ll get easier once I start to catch up, like getting the meanagerie done and getting all the pre BFA pets from tokens.

I guess I just didnā€™t realize HOW much Iā€™ve missed and how much there is to do. But thatā€™s a good thing, means I wonā€™t get bored haha. Iā€™m also coming back from a longish absence from WoW, so Iā€™m kinda trying to catch up on EVERYTHING atm lol.

Also a question about leveling, is squirt and other tamers excluding BFA the best way to level pets up? I remember I used to level in a certain spot back in MoP fighting wild pets. No idea if thatā€™s still viable or if thereā€™s a new ā€œspotā€ for that.

Today Tiffany Nelson is up in Dalaran, Broken Isles.
She can be battled repeatedly on the one toon, and will level up your character as well as your pet.

I make 3 identical teams for doing the Dalaran tamers, and switch between them to avoid needing too many bandages or runs to the pet store close-by for healing, but one can manage with just one team.

For team suggestions:

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in my opinion NO. anything is better way to get your pets up than the cel. tourny thatā€™s the toughest pet content no exceptions. and once u get it done x10 there is no good reason to go back to it.