Returning mythic raider - Looking for a new home

Dear All,

Currently I am looking to return to wow after a break. I have listed some information about myself below and used to play to quite a high level. Looking to level up, get geared and then help out as soon as possible.

Class: Open to Evoker/ Warlock/ Enh shaman depending on needs of the guild
I am 33 and currently work as The Head of Science at a British
international school in China. Originally I am from Eastbourne in the UK.

What is my raid experience?
Original TBC
(Enhancement/ resto shaman main + Prot paladin for certain fights when I was needed)
All content cleared including Sunwell pre nerf
Server first Kill Jae’den

Original WOTLK
(Enhancement shaman/ resto shaman + Prot warrior)
All content cleared except for the Litch king as I had exams during this period
Algalon on 10 and 25 man before it was nerfed
I didn’t raid in any notable way in between WOTLK and Shadowlands as I had either
exam, training or other in life commitments.

(Vengeance DH)
Castle Nathria (all done in 9.0 on EU servers)
Heroic 10/10 (See Document 1 or link 1 for logs in heroic)
Normal 10/10
Mythic- 6/10
Moved to China around this time and it was a lot of work to get an account on Chinese
servers so I missed a lot of Shadowlands but levelled, geared and returned for the
release of Sepulcher
Sepulcher of the first ones (Done on CN servers)
Normal 10/10
Heroic 6/10

I am looking for somewhere I can level up, get used to playing my class again and then be able to contribute effectively to a raid team. I am confident in my abilities within game but will obviously need to work on polishing them within the expansion. I am looking for a group of friendly people to raid with and start enjoying the game with again. I spent a large proportion of my raiding time as a raidleader so I understand the importance of being prepared for encounters in every way possible, I learn tactics, mechanics and optimisations of my character in order to get the most out of them.

Please let me know if you would like to chat or if you are looking for someone in the long term to join your raiding community.

Have a lovely evening all


G’day Gok,

MDMA Strats is looking for an enhancement shaman to fill our ranks. Feel free to check out my ad. Get in touch on Bnet (Rahms#11553) or Discord (rahms).

hi, curious if you are looking for M raid again or H only? Anarchy inc is on Dath’remar and we achieve AOTC each patch :slight_smile: Contact me if you are interested Zwirbel#1679