Returning MM Hunter LFG

Coming back from a small break and looking for a guild to raid and smash some keys. My goals are AOTC and KSM, I have been able to get AOTC since legion and KSM since SL (as a healer). Took a small break at the end of S3 of DF and wanted to try out a new role as Ive been a healer since TBC.

-Looking for a 2 days a week raiding guild (1 day out be even better) start time no eailer than 8pm CST as I have to put the little one to bed.
-Key groups either scheduled or on the fly
-Chill group of people in an active discord ready to enjoy the new xpac.

Thanks, hope to hear back!

Howdy. We raid Wed/Fri 9-12EST. Heroic, gotten AOTC each tier since legion expect S2/3 of SL, most of the guild had hopped over to FF14 for a little bit. Got around 10 of us getting KSM each season. Family guild, few previous mythic raiders. Mostly chill group enjoying the game. Motto is community over content, we try to put the focus on real life and keep in mind this is just a video game at the end of day.
Feel free to hmu if you have any questions, Entropic#1838 on bnet.

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Sounds good I’ll reach out tomorrow for a bit more info

Bumper Bump Still looking!


Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good core main tank, ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core.

Raid times:
Wednesday Thursday 8-11 east
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405